Happy Birthday! It is probably the most heard phrase in the world, as millions of birthdays are celebrated every day around the world. Saying happy birthday to someone is a way of showing all your affection towards that loved one on that special day. On this occasion, we will detail everything about birthdays, where the famous 'happy birthday' comes from, how it is celebrated, and what kind of gifts can be given.
Happy Birthday - A Celebration of Life
Waking up to loving gestures and hearing the words 'happy birthday' is one of the most pleasant ways to start the day for many birthday recipients. The excitement, the love, and the shouts of joy from family members to celebrate that person who was born on that very day, that person who gives life and energy to the rest of the people around them is what makes a happy birthday completely worthwhile.
Telling someone a happy birthday is basically saying thank you for being born and contributing to your beautiful existence in this world. That is to say thank you because they make this world a better place with their smile, their love, their skills, their energy and simply them as human beings. So if you have someone who has a birthday coming up, don't forget to congratulate them with a big Happy Birthday!
First things first - Where does the phrase 'Happy Birthday' come from?
After analyzing the two words 'happy birthday' in depth, it is important to recognize where this famous phrase really comes from. The word birthday has the meaning of 'anniversary of the day of birth' and comes from the verb 'to fulfill' and the word 'year'. The word happy, which comes before birthday, would be unnecessary to explain since what is achieved by expressing this word is that a person spends a day full of joy, happiness and pure joy. But now let's get to the point. Where does the word happy birthday really come from and what is its true origin?
Origin of the Happy Birthday Celebration
According to historians, the first birthdays to be celebrated were those of the pharaohs, in ancient Egypt, around the year 3000 BC. The idea was not to celebrate when they were born, but the date from which a pharaoh was crowned.
The only purpose was to wish the sovereign a long life, chasing away evil spirits, since it was believed that death came on that date to steal the soul of the unfortunate pharaoh. In the case of the Greeks, they decided to extend the birthday celebrations to their endless catalogue of gods, and started the tradition of preparing a cake (made of flour, cereals and honey) that had to be round like the moon, on the altar of the temple of Artemis.
The difference with today is that the candles were not blown out, but had to be allowed to burn out on their own to truly have a happy birthday. The longer they take to burn out, the more promises of long life and prosperity for the god in question and his followers.
Happy Birthday Song
The famous Happy Birthday song is a hymn of life that is heard every day. But where does this famous song come from? Here is a little bit of history. Today it is considered 'the most popular song in the world' according to the Guinness Book of Records.
En 1893, las hermanas Mildred y Patty Smith Hill, que trabajaban como maestras en un jardín de infancia en Louisville (Kentucky), escribieron un libro con canciones infantiles para niños y así podérselas cantar. La primera canción era 'Buenos Días a Todos', una sencilla pieza, de fácil y pegadiza melodía, que servía para saludar por las mañanas a los niños.
Cierto día, con motivo del cumpleaños de una de las niñas que asistía al jardín de infancia, Patty decidió conservar la melodía y cambiar la letra de la canción por 'Happy Birthday to You', dando así origen a la famosa canción.
La canción se popularizó y fue pasando de boca en boca, hasta que, en 1924, se publicó en un libro de canciones de Robert Coleman, y después se hizo popularizó gracias a la radio y al cine.
Cómo Celebrar Un Gran Feliz Cumpleaños
Esto es simple. Un gran feliz cumpleaños y una estupenda celebración empieza teniendo a las personas que más quieres alrededor, pero aparte de eso, una torta y comida deliciosa que te permitan disfrutar de este día al máximo. Una torta con unas velas que representen un año más de vida con salud, un año más de vida levantandote y pudiendo respirar en este mundo. De eso se trata tener un muy feliz cumpleaños.
Tener Un Feliz Cumpleaños Exitoso - Cómo Hacerlo?
A la hora de festejar un cumpleaños puede llegar a convertirse en un dolor de cabeza, tanto si es nuestra fiesta o la de un amigo, por eso en esta ocasión te quiero compartir estos consejos que a mi modo de ver son esenciales para mantener una buena vida con nuestra familia y amigos. ¡Sigue estos pasos para pasar un cumpleaños muy feliz!
1. Planea con Anticipación
Sabiendo que ese día será especial no lo vamos a dañar con otras acciones que nos son muy necesarias en ese momento por eso mismo debemos preparar con tiempo anticipado dejar todos los quehaceres desocupados. Planea la decoracion que quieres con anticipacion y compra todos los detalles para tener una idea de como se vera todo.
2. Escoge la Comida Que Más Te Apetezca
Pasar un muy feliz cumpleaños depende mucho del tiempo que le des a la organización y preparación de todo. Este día se trata sobre ti, así que elige la comida que más te guste y mandala a preparar con alguien especial con anticipación.
3. Encuentra un Equilibrio
También preocuparse demasiado por la fiesta de cumpleaños puede aumentar el estrés y puede resultar ineficiente a corto y largo plazo por eso relájate y déjate llevar por el momento, ojo que con esto no queremos decir que al siguiente día no recuerdes nada sino más bien que los disfrutes.
Que Regalar en un Cumpleaños?
The options for wishing someone a happy birthday through a gift are truly endless. From flowers, to giving decorative things for a space or even personal items depending on the person's gender. But yes, one of the most popular gifts to really impress someone on their day, especially women, is a bouquet of their favorite flowers. Flowers never disappoint and are without a doubt one of the best ways to say Happy Birthday to someone!
If someone's birthday is coming up, don't forget to take these considerations and tips into account to also make the birthday boy's life easier and let him relax a little more on this long-awaited day.