Holstein Flowers Showcasing Exceptional Gerbera Beauties

Advanced technology goes hand in hand with craftsmanship.

By: THURSD. | 09-09-2020 | 3 min read

Holstein Flowers is very well known in the floral industry. They breed their varieties and that makes them exceptional. The unique gerspecial is a good example. Also, the names of the different varieties are Holstein's: from the well-known classic germinis and large-flowered gerberas to these exclusive collections: the spherical gerponis big and mini, playful gerspiders big and mini, and tiny germicros, gerpastas, and gerspecials.

Holstein Flowers Creates the Most Exceptional Gerberas

Holstein Flowers is a family business. The love for gerberas has been deeply rooted in their DNA for years. In 1946, father Henk van Holstein started as a grower, and one by one his sons joined the company. In 1974 they started growing gerberas. With almost 11 hectares spread over two locations, Holstein Flowers has grown into one of the largest gerbera growers in the world. A company where advanced technology goes hand in hand with craftsmanship and years of experience.



A Look Inside the Company

Holstein Flowers is not only a grower of gerberas, but also a breeder. This means that they develop and propagate new gerberas themselves. Showpieces with surprising shapes, sizes, colors, or improved quality. More than 85% of their varieties come from their own breeding. They extensively test new varieties for shelf life, color, firmness, and shape. The Holstein company is the only breeder of gerberas that also grows the flowers themselves.

Holstein Managing team on Thursd
Holstein 'Managing' Team, It's all in the family!

Time to Showcase Some of These Beauties

Holstein is known for his exclusive varieties and growing smaller quantities of many, many different varieties. Don't expect to find hundreds of thousands of stems of the same variety, there is some volume of course of single varieties, but the company is known for offering a very wide range of colors and shapes. And the naming of Holstein gerbera flowers is also something special. The company decided to refer to each name to the shape and size of the flowers. At Holstein, their gerbera varieties always start with Ger. When the flower is small, it is called a Germini, these flowers are on average 6-9 cm in diameter. Even smaller you go to micro, and the name is Germicro.

You have probably heard of the new variety called  'Puck'. This one you can find as Germini Puck. And how nice? This Germini is named after Leo Holsteins' first grandchild!


Holstein Germini Puck on Thursd - featured
Puck is the name of this beautiful flower. (And of the gerbera too!)

With more than 140 varieties, the Holstein range is extraordinarily wide. From the well-known classic germinis and large-flowered gerberas to Holsteins' exclusive collections: the spherical Gerponi's, the spiky Gerspiders, and tiny Germicro's. These are the gems from their range. Each gerbera with wonderful shapes and special color combinations that you can keep looking at.


Holstein Gerspecial Smeagol on Thursd
Gerspecial Smeagol

Gerspecial Smeagol is very special for its very hardy flower spikes. It's almost a succulent feel instead of otherwise the quite soft petals of 'normal' gerberas.


Take a look at this Gerspider Big Carnaval with its bright Color and its spiky leaves.



The form of these full Gerponi's is so magical, many florists like them a lot for their strength and their elegance. They took the name of Pomponi, a class within the gerberas. To make it really 'Holstein' they decided to use Gerponi instead.



And last but not least the Germicros. With an average diameter of only 3 to 5 cm, these are really small flowers. You would probably think they also come a bit cheaper, but that is not the case because the cost of production is the same as for the other flowers.


Holstein Germicros on Thursd
Germicros Mix
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