The Importance of Gardening Lessons in the School Curriculum

Gardening lessons enable teachers to connect Biology, Chemistry, Physics, or any other discipline with environmental challenges, observation sessions, and ecology.

By: DIANE SHERRON | 02-11-2022 | 4 min read
Garden Plants
Gardening Lessons are Important on Thursd Header

The presence of gardening lessons in the modern school curriculum isn't always possible since the school territories are often limited and only provide the youngsters with playgrounds and the space where one can kick the ball or run around the building. Still, the teachers and the parents can create a small garden where the children can learn and become aware of the environmental challenges.

One of the best examples of educational gardening lessons is related to Waldorf schools, which are especially popular in Germany and the Netherlands. The gardens created are miniature and are always started by youngsters under the careful guidance of teachers and parents. While these lessons are often voluntary, it's essential to make them a part of the school curriculum where the teachers can connect Biology, Chemistry, Physics, or any other disciplines with environmental challenges, observation sessions, and ecology.



The Importance of Gardening Lessons in the School Curriculum

- Children Become Aware of Our Environment

When gardening lessons become a part of the official school curriculum, learners receive a practical ground where they can experiment and practice gained skills. It's possible to introduce Chemistry this way and talk about the dangers of pesticides by showing examples. One can also explain how challenging it is to take care of the garden and why it is still necessary to avoid dangerous chemicals. Starting with the K-12 projects, the teachers can use various multimedia solutions to help the children see how biodiversity takes place as they take notes and learn.

- Spending More Time Outside

This aspect is rarely mentioned, yet the addition of gardening lessons in the school curriculum will help the students spend more time outside and improve their physical and mental health. Suppose you are a college student working on a project that deals with the environment as a future educator or a healthcare specialist. In that case, you may hire an academic assistant from term paper writing help and spend more time outside as you observe and brainstorm great ideas for other school projects. The practical side is essential, so when the school curriculum is explored, it's vital to make it accessible and fun!

- Development of Cognitive Abilities

Garden lessons, as a part of the school curriculum, will help students develop their motor skills and cognitive abilities like memory, attention span, analysis, and tactile skills. It is significant for children on the autism spectrum, learners with special needs, or those who require additional assistance. Learning in the garden will help to boost mental health and relieve classroom stress that is always present in a competitive environment. Building the school garden step by step and turning to clay work, drawings, and Chemistry lab research experiments will help to improve one's cognitive skills.

- Improvement of Observation Skills

The problem with modern learners is that they fail to observe numerous natural processes if they are not present on a smartphone screen or a tablet. Healthcare specialists often discuss this visual problem, which is why a gardening lesson will help improve natural observation skills and motivate every learner to become an eco-friendly student who observes and remains responsible. When a person works with the plants or watches how the bugs and butterflies find their safe locations, it becomes a practical experience that helps to master gardening in practice and note the environmental exceptions.

- Mastering Biology in Practice

In learning Biology, it is essential to provide good visual examples beyond videos on YouTube or multimedia presentations showing how things work by using various models with subtitle captions. When you can show the process related to Biology in the school garden that has been created, it is easier to adjust and explain things in practice as students take notes or pictures. It will also help to combine technology and natural observation methods, making Biology an inspiring lesson.



Starting Social Campaigns

If your school district requires additional financing or free space to start a garden, you may create a social campaign online or discuss crowdfunding options. Alternatively, one may approach local companies and organizations to become sponsors for the school gardening. It won't take much in most cases, as every bit of external support will matter. The children can also participate in social campaigns by telling adults what they wish to learn and how they would like their garden to look. It will help improve the learners' social and writing skills as the garden lesson is being shaped and integrated into the school curriculum.


Diane Sherron loves to share her skills in education, technology, and culture. Her posts provide solutions for college life challenges and tips for teachers. Follow Diane to make your learning inspiring and expand your creative horizons.

All pictures by Unsplash


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