Sensational, pure, and different, the peony Lois' Choice can easily become one of your favorite varieties. This peony has beautiful, rose-like buds that bloom into beautiful, two-toned flowers.
Peach and Cream Peony Lois' Choice
The flowers of Lois’ Choice peonies are full-petalled. The incredibly delicate petals are peach and pink on the outer ring, turn peach and cream halfway through, and, eventually, turn back to peach and pink in the center. This peony can turn a bit top-heavy, so it won’t stand completely upright by itself.
Lois' Choice is an early to midseason hybrid with two colors divided into three sections; a pink one-third, then a yellow one-third, and a final third of pink, all in soft yellow and warm pink. This unique peony first bloomed in 1977 and was bred by Chris Laning. It got registered in 1993 and won the American Peony Society Gold Medal in 2017.
A Color Spectacle
Lois' Choice has a rose-shaped bud that will unfold into a true color spectacle once the flower starts to appear. Different tints of colors will appear; from pastel to apricot, coral and light-yellow colors will show themselves. Lois Choice is a compact grower and is very productive. A very unique variety and the popularity of this peony is therefore no surprise.
Lois' Choice is a Challenge
The plants from this peony get easily damaged if the stems are cut larger than 40 cm. Those short stems can make Lois’ Choice a challenging peony to handle. But don’t let those short stems discourage you; you’d miss out on one of the best peonies available.
Tip For Peony Lovers
The peony Lois’ Choice is one for peony lovers: one that has to be handled with all the love and care only a good peony grower can provide. If she’s handled with care then the plants will reward you handsomely, with its alluring flowers. This beauty - when in season - is available through My Peony Society, the world's foremost association of expert peony growers, traders, florists, and stylists.