These Are the Benefits of Planting Tulip Bulbs

Why plant bulbs instead of flowers?

By: THURSD. | 16-12-2020 | 3 min read
Planting tulip bulbs are a great way to enjoy spring colors in your garden. Gardens everywhere benefit from growing tulip bulbs. But why so? What’s so beneficial about tulip bulbs? Why plant bulbs instead of flowers?

Why Plant Bulbs?

These Are the Benefits of Planting Tulip Bulbs

Tulip Bulbs Are Very Inexpensive

The biggest reason why people love tulip bulbs so much is that they are a very inexpensive and easy way to boost your landscape. Tulip bulbs won’t cost you a lot of money, but it will increase the beauty of your garden. Planting tulip bulbs has great benefits for your own garden. Not sure yet whether it’s a good idea to plant these perfect bulbs? These are the benefits you can enjoy!
These Are the Benefits of Planting Tulip Bulbs Photo credit: Kelloggarden

The Process Called ‘Naturalizing’

Not all tulips will return each year, but there are specific species that will. Naturalizing tulips are a great and inexpensive way to create a whole and colorful tulip garden. When cared for correctly, they’ll return each year. Planting tulip bulbs means you can enjoy a tulip garden for several years. While you haven’t paid as much as you would have for plants or other flowers! Besides that, they’ll grow even bigger each year. They multiply and grow clumps to become bigger and stronger. After a few years, they’ll take over your garden, if not cut back. Consumers are able to get more value by buying naturalizing tulips. It does take some trust. The process called naturalizing occur often, but when not cared for properly they may not come back each year. Let alone grow bigger. In this process, the mother bulb will get big enough and split off. By naturalizing they can grow their own new flower. Look at it as a whole family of tulips.

They Can Be Used In- and Outdoors

Tulip bulbs aren’t picky about the soil they grow in or the environment they live in. It’s possible to plant them outdoors, but also indoors. Many people keep tulips indoors because they give happy and spring-like colors. Even when It’s cold and fierce outside. Do you want to keep them indoors? Then you need to force the bulbs into growing indoors. This process doesn’t take too much effort and when they are forced to live indoors, you take care of them, just as you would do with a normal houseplant.
These Are the Benefits of Planting Tulip Bulbs Photo credit: Primrose Lane Farm
Forcing tulip bulbs to live inside will take some time. You’ll need to put them in a cold and dark environment for at least 12-16 weeks. After they’ve chilled you choose a great container with sufficient drainage. Place the tulip bulbs just above the soil. Make sure you can see the tips of the bulb at all times. Put the tulip bulbs away in a cool, dark place. Make sure you water them at least once a week. When they form leaves, it’s time to take them out and put them in their final place. Place them somewhere where they’ll get indirect and bright sunlight. The bulbs will start blooming in 3 to 4 weeks now. Spring colors, regardless of the time of year!
These Are the Benefits of Planting Tulip Bulbs Photo credit: Jos van Ouwerkerk on Pexels


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