Porta Nova's Rose Red Naomi, a Symbol of Deep and Sincere Feelings
Porta Nova's Red Naomi, the Rose Symbol of Love An ode of love to the one person of your heart who will accompany you all your life.
Bredefleur's Friend
The Lily Is the King of Flowers This noble, prestigious flower with a sweet scent and sacred character, is the emblem of French royalty.
Flowers Perennial Flowers
Jan 31 | 3 min read
Porta Nova’s Rose Red Naomi Brings Out the Christmas Cheer and Warmth in Floral Bouquets
Red Roses Bring Out the Christmas Cheer and Warmth in Floral Bouquets Watch the intense color, the generosity of the petals, and the exceptional looks of Porta Nova's Red Naomi.
I Am Cindy Gunther - a Floral Artist But Also a Floral Parurier - On Thursd
I Am Cindy Gunther - A Floral Artist But Also a Floral Parurier "I make flowers from A to Z in all types of materials. In France, it is a profession in its own right classified as the crafts of art."
Floral Art Floral Designs
Apr 29 | 3 min read
Perfect Petals of Ever Red Roses Dressing up this model with the passionate petals of Ever Red roses brought magic into the event.
Floral Designs Roses
Nov 25 | 2 min read
The Power of Color A colorful yet dramatic color palette for a dramatic theme
Nov 25 | 1 min read

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