Pink Houseplants That Add a Pop of Color
Pretty in Pink - 15 Pink Houseplants That Add a Pop of Color For an unexpected flush of rosy color without relying on bright blooms.
Indoor Plants
Dec 26 | 7 min read
Orchard - The Tropical Garden in the Middle of the Biophilic Hamad Qatar Airport Relaxing, rejuvenating, de-stressing are the three main pillars of this project. As people have long layovers, Qatar's airport is perfect to connect with nature indoors.
The Alluring and Easy-To-Grow Calathea Rattlesnake Plant
Rattlesnake Plant Is a Striking Houseplant With an Exotic Appeal A tropical houseplant that brings the much-needed beauty and distinction to your indoor jungle.
Garden Plants Indoor Plants
Jul 24 | 11 min read
Indoor Hanging Plants to Create a Home Jungle
11 Indoor Hanging Plants to Create a Home Jungle in 2024 Plants were made to embellish your homes and surroundings. Get a home full of green with these stunning options!
Indoor Plants
Jun 19 | 9 min read
These are some rare houseplants that you would love
15 Rare Houseplants That You’ll Definitely Love With these, you can definitely show something else other than the usual snake plant in the background during your next Zoom call.
Safeguard Indoor Garden
Flood Prevention: How Waterproofing Can Safeguard Your Indoor Garden Protect indoor gardens with waterproofing - essential for maintaining plant health.
AIM Architecture Atrium feature on Thursd
AIM Architecture Turns Shopping Mall Atrium Into Indoor Jungle Xintiandi challenges the cookie-cutter mold by reimagining the romance of street life with a modern city context, bringing the outdoors inside.
Nov 11 | 2 min read
Master the Finicky Maidenhair Fern - Adiantum Raddianum Including 6 tips on how to keep this plant friend alive
Apr 28 | 5 min read

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