Sarah Dikker (Netherlands)

Back to Basic due to COVID-19

By: SARAH DIKKER | 29-04-2020 | 2 min read
This is my story of how I look at going Back to Basic during and after this period of the coronavirus affecting us. And how I used the principle of Back to Basic to design a wedding banquet in picnic style.
What COVID-19 Teaches Me
What COVID-19 teaches me is to stay closer to my heart and that is what I see in my designs. Everything has more love and attention, the elementary things in life come to the surface these days: from greed to being satisfied with everything you have. And also just to wait and see what you get, listen to what the universe has made up for you. We have to go back to the beginning, to our hearts, because that's where all goodness and strength start. If I would be able to predict trends or tell the future than it would look like this. I see intimate moments because we go back to what is really important. These are, naturally, our friend- and family ties. We will reach out to each other more often because we really depend on each other. Getting married will feel right because these bonds are truly felt on this day more than ever before. We look for freedom to be able to do everything we wish, yet protecting one another.
Local Is The New Global
We will be looking more towards local entrepreneurs. Not just for your daily groceries, but also when it comes to celebrations. In this new uncertain era, we must not forget to celebrate in abundance, because we love life. Keep it simple, but with some luxury. This adds up to intimate and luxurious parties with local or regional products and crazy novelties.
A Wedding As an Example
Let me give you a good example of Back to Basics. I am no follower. I was asked to design a wedding banquet in a luxurious picnic style. The problem was going to be that everyone had to sit on the grass or on a blanket. Impossible with all those nice suits and dresses! How to design this? The outcome: we rented picnic tables, put a long table runner on it, and covered these with turf. In the grass, we put some nice flowers from a local nursery. The food was produced by local farmers and a local brewery provided the beer. The cupcakes made of edible flowers with rose flavor were placed in suspended trays nearby. All this decoration really started the conversation, which was perfect for the ambiance. Sarah Dikker - Back to Basic
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Sarah Dikker

Sarah Dikker is a passionate master florist from Utrecht. Since 2009 she has become a leading phenomenon in the flower and plant sector. At home and abroad she inspires companies and organizations with her creative and innovative concepts in the field of interior and lifestyle. All Sarah Dikker's projects and concepts are inextricably linked to flowers and plants. Sarah: "Flowers and plants are so much more than beautiful bouquets. They tell a story with emotion, brighten lives, and offer unprecedented possibilities in countless areas."

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