Closed terrariums are definitely a perfect way to bring a little bit of nature’s beauty indoors. For some insight, these terrariums are essentially mini plant ecosystems nurtured in glass jars. You could compare them to small greenhouses with plants grown inside!
They are quite low maintenance and can be placed atop just about any firm surface in the house or office to enhance the space and add to it some vivacity. These miniature plant habitats are not only beautiful to look at, but also offer an ideal way to enjoy greenery in areas where outdoor space is, perhaps, limited.
Closed Terrariums Require Plants That Thrive in Humid Conditions
As is common knowledge, plant life is a key element of any terrarium. But sometimes choosing suitable plants for the terrarium can be a bit challenging.

Photo by Katarzyna Modrzejewska on Pexels.
Even so, a key factor to note is that the most ideal plants for these miniature gardens should be slow-growing and be able to remain small in size even after full maturity. And since closed terrariums tend to be quite humid inside, plants that thrive in highly humid conditions would be ideal.
You could also spruce things up a little by deploying differently colored plants in these miniature gardens to enhance them. Here are some colorful plants that can be grown inside closed terrariums.
Different Varieties of Miniature Orchids
Orchids are largely known for their beautiful exotic flowers. There are different types of miniature orchids for terrariums depending on one’s preferences. Some key ones include the various varieties of Masdevallia. Others include Phalaenopsis, Angraecum, Platystele, Tolumnia, Dracula, Aerangis, and Lepanthes.

Photo by @wardianworlds on Instagram.
These plants love highly-humid conditions and hardly grow bigger than the size of a human palm. The beauty of them is that they come with different features -from their flowers to their leaves- which gives the terrarium a pleasant appeal.
Blotched Polka Dot Plant
Also called freckle face, polka dot plants are quite ideal for closed terrariums because they do not grow too tall, they thrive well in humid conditions and the pink, magenta, white, or red blotches on their leaves add color to the terrarium.

Photo by @bonzai_bh on Instagram.
If you want a burst of different colors in your terrarium all year round, then these plants would make an ideal choice.
Multi-Veined Nerve Plants
Nerve plants which are also called net plants, snakeskin, or lace leaf depending on the variety, are quite popular for growing in terrariums due to their slow-growing nature and small sizes when fully grown.

Photo by Timi Keszthelyi on Pexels.
The fact that the plant also loves humid conditions makes it suitable for small enclosed spaces like inside closed terrariums. Perhaps the most striking feature of these plants is the network of white, pink, or red veins that run all over the leaves.
The Beautiful Oxalis Plant
However you view the oxalis, it still remains a pretty plant that would make an appealing feature in a terrarium. These beautiful ornamental plants come in a variety of colors ranging from purple to pink, lime, and even white, which make them pleasing to look at.

Photo by @lushglassdoor on Instagram.
The beauty of Oxalis is that with or without flowers, its leaves and foliage still give a floral look.
The Highly Popular Tillandsia
Also called air plants, Tillandsia are a popular choice for many terrarium enthusiasts because they are indeed low maintenance and virtually require no soil for cultivation. These plants are versatile and can grow on a variety of surfaces.

Photo by @b.zero_one on Instagram.
They can do well on tree bark, rocks, pieces of wood, and even shells. This is a feature that makes them quite an ideal choice for terrariums. Air plants also come in a range of colors, from green to silver. There are even some varieties that bloom small, delicate flowers that add to their appeal.
Vibrant-Colored Miniature African Violets
African violets are a popular choice for indoor plants because they are easy to tend and produce beautiful, vibrant flowers. These plants thrive in humid conditions, which makes them a perfect candidate for terrariums.

Photo by San Francisco African Violet Society.
Africa Violets come in a variety of colors, including pink, purple, blue, yellow, and white, and can be grown inside these miniature gardens with moist soil and indirect sunlight. These plants look stunning inside the terrarium making them ideal for that purpose.
The Colorful Begonias
Begonias are quite a popular flower for terrariums. They are easy to care for and produce a variety of beautiful flowers that come in a range of colors. These plants can be grown in different types of soils which are moist and well-drained.
Many begonias also bloom all year long, thus providing an all-year-round burst of colors for a terrarium. A plus for begonias is that they come in so many varieties, therefore, presenting an opportunity for variations in the terrarium.

Photo by @terrajungle on Instagram
Whichever your choice, it's always good to have in mind that closed terrariums are quite humid inside and therefore only plants that do well in highly humid conditions are appropriate. With all the right conditions in place, you could enjoy a small piece of nature with its bright colors inside a glass jar hanging from your lounge's ceiling or just on your tabletop!
Feature and header photos by @la_rana_terrarium and @meganhunterhylands on Instagram.