Feeling like you don't know how to care for chrysanthemums? There's no need to panic or worry because experts from Chrysal have certainly got your back when it comes to taking the best care of your flowers. Following the great tips and advice will get you a house full of beautiful chrysanthemums.
Chrysal Announces Chrysanthemums as the Flower of the Month
With its wide range of hues and types, the warm and vibrant chrysanthemum is Chrysal's Flower of the Month for October. You may enjoy your blooms longer when and if you take appropriate care of them, and show an extensive amount of love through good care handles which Chrysal will provide if you keep reading on.

The Seasonal Chrysanthemum Grower
C.N. van Beek is not your ordinary chrysanthemum grower, but perhaps one of the most diverse flower growers in the Netherlands. Not a dull moment at this nursery, because owner Kees van Beek is a seasonal flower grower, which means he grows several completely different crops along with the changing of the seasons.
Did you ever realize that the chrysanthemum is a seasonal flower too? Yes, it's hard to imagine, since horticulture has mastered the art of growing these flowers year-round through artificial lighting and heating. Still, there are growers who want to be more diverse, like Kees van Beek:
"We start the year with tulips. After that, we switch to ageratum, veronicastrum, and zinnias. In early September we have the first chrysanthemums that we offer until the first weeks of November."
When asked about Chrysal he has no doubt:
"Unlike most growers, I market my spray chrysanthemums in water instead of in boxes. Although the auction buckets I receive are well-cleaned, there is always a risk of contamination. The Chrysal CVBN I use prevents bacteria from spreading, which has a positive impact on the quality of my chrysants. Actually, since I supply my chrysanthemums to the Royal FloraHolland auction, I am obliged to apply this to my flowers."
Best Chrysanthemum Care Tips Come From Chrysal
Who doesn't love a dose of gorgeous mums surrounding all their indoor spaces? With a quick ability to cast a magic flower spell wherever they're placed, they are surely ready to add a colorful spectrum of beautiful tones to your house or any favorite indoor spot.
Through the expert tips from Chrysal, your Chrysants will last longer, look more lively, and burst those colors big time. Here are the best tips offered by Chrysal. Make sure to follow them for top results!
Chrysanthemum Care Tips for Florists
You can combine the lovely chrysanthemums with almost any other flower but especially roses and anthurium make a great combo. They make the perfect trio! But remember if you want to achieve a long-lasting bouquet with mums, these are the best tips for florists from Chrysal.
- Use clean containers and tools
- Remove the wrapping, recut the stems, and remove foliage which will sit under the water line before placing into a solution of Chrysal Professional 2
- Provide your customers with sufficient sachets of Chrysal Compostable flower food with their bouquets.
- Chrysanthemums, like all cut flowers, are sensitive to draughts and direct heat, so give careful consideration to where you place them.
Chrysal Tips for Consumers
If you've been forever longing for your flowers to last at least two weeks, Chrysal has the perfect tips for your chrysanthemums to succeed for a longer time.

- Use a clean vase and fresh tap water.
- Add the right amount of Chrysal Compostable Sachet (Flower Food). Please read the description of the package for all the info you need on amounts of flower food for specific flowers.
- Cut 2-5 cm from the stem using a clean knife.
- Make sure there are no leaves in the water.
- Chrysanthemums like all cut flowers are sensitive to drought and direct heat. Make sure you don’t place your mums next to ripening fruit or vegetables because the ethylene produced by the fruit and vegetables makes the flowers wilt earlier.
- Top up the vase with fresh tap water and flower food as required.
It's as easy as following Chrysal care handles and voila!
You're all set to enjoy your charming flowers for a longer time, plus having the beautiful company of their vivid colors to make your days brighter.