What Indoor Plants Are Effective Air Purifiers? Top Plants to Keep in the Study Room

Plants can clean the air of harmful substances emitted from furniture, carpets, and various equipment during work.

By: THURSD | 15-08-2022 | 5 min read
Indoor Plants

Everyone knows that a beautiful flower in a pot will successfully complement the room and become an indispensable decoration. A variety of representatives of the plant world will create unique home comfort and atmosphere, which you do not want to leave. But in addition, plants have a more positive, therapeutic effect on the human body. It is a known fact that enclosed spaces accumulate large amounts of carbon dioxide, Dust, and toxic fumes from furniture and finishing materials. And for residents of large metropolitan areas, even ventilating the room Will not be salvation. After all, together with fresh air will get Car exhaust gases and cigarette smoke. All of this helps us cope with indoor flowers. It is worth noting that some types can eliminate the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation and get rid of bacteria. 


Photo by: Thắng Lê from Pexels

Plants can clean the air of harmful substances emitted from furniture, carpets, and various equipment during work. Their presence has a positive effect on our health and well-being both at home and in the office. Plants also humidify the air we breathe.

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Today, severe indoor air pollution causes people to get sick more often. And it's not just carbon monoxide and car exhaust fumes that poison us. Hundreds of objects exist that can release hundreds of different toxic substances into the air.

Formaldehyde from laminated wood furniture, benzene, toluene, ammonia, acetone, and microparticles released into the air when washing carpets, operating machinery, or smoking are all substances that we encounter at home and in the office.

To fight these pollutants, we have to keep plants on the premises that can clean polluted air effectively.

Plants clean the air in two ways:

  1. Through the pores on the leaves, plants absorb volatile substances along with the oxygen and carbon dioxide they need.
  2. The particulate matter adheres to the wax covering the leaves as dust and penetrates the plant cells, from where it disappears.

One centimeter of a leaf can deposit as many pollutants as a cubic meter of air in the city center.

All plants in which the process of photosynthesis occurs are a kind of biofilters, but some of them are more effective. Among them: are palms, ferns, and ficus.

Plants release carbon dioxide, which is harmful to us at night. But a group of plants has a certain type of photosynthesis: their pores are open at night, so they can absorb carbon dioxide at night as well. It is this type of plant that is recommended for the bedroom. Sansevieria trifasciata is one such plant. If you place more living plants in the room, it will change students life for the better. You will feel invigorated and stop waking up tired. You will need ten to twenty plants for effective air purification in a room of twenty-five meters.

A List of Plants You Should Choose to Clean the Air at Home, in the Office, and Especially in a Student’s Room

Nephrolepis Exaltata

This fern breaks records for the speed with which it cleans the air of formaldehyde. It also absorbs other toxins, produces large quantities of oxygen and moisture, and significantly improves the microclimate.

Dracaena Trifasciata

This plant is traditionally "on duty" in school hallways, classrooms, and libraries. But it should also be brought back indoors, especially in bedrooms. The plant has the unique ability to produce oxygen even at night. Sansevieria is a very easy plant, so it will be able to survive even under the care of inexperienced gardeners.

Epipremnum Aureum

This houseplant will be especially useful in an apartment or house where there are smokers, as it can effectively clean the air of pollutants produced by smoking tobacco. Rhaphidophora golden is also on the list of plants that purify the air from formaldehyde.


This plant is excellent at capturing acetone, alcohols, benzene, and ammonia. Also, it captures formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, and xylene. It gives off a great deal of moisture. Its decoration is not only green leaves but also decorative flowers.

Chrysalidocarpus Lutescens

This palm tree effectively clears the air of toxins, especially xylene and toluene. Therefore, it is especially worth growing it in offices with many computers and frequent use of printers and photocopiers.

Phoenix Roebelenii

This palm is noteworthy for its effectiveness in cleaning the air from toxins common in offices: xylene, toluene, and formaldehyde. In addition, growing up to two meters, they perfectly decorate the company's interior.

Ficus Benjamina

Very effective at eliminating toxins from the air, especially formaldehyde from furniture made of particle board materials.


This inconspicuous and not too fussy plant works well as a formaldehyde absorber.

We hope our article is helpful to you. We recommend placing fresh flowers in all rooms. Particularly for children and students. They are great for purifying the air and giving vitality. And if you have difficulties in your studies, do not hesitate to contact paper writing service reddit for expert help. We wish you success in all areas of life.


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