Make-Upz® is a brand name for plants that are decorated in a unique way. They enhance a plant by making the conscious choice to wear Make-Upz®. A colorful decoration of plants such as Cyclamen, Spathiphyllum, and Anthurium. But Also Ficus.
Let’s Talk Cosmetics
The cosmetic use of make-up is applied by people in daily use and for special occasions. You can make it as colorful and elaborate as preferred, according to the setting, mood, or character of the person. The Make-Upz® brand extends this mindset to plants, to color their assortment in line with consumer demand.

Together We Are Stronger
In a moment of crisis, Make-Upz® seized the opportunity to innovate a new line of Anthuriums during the current COVID-19 situation. The colors of Brazil are represented in the Spathiphyllum and the package calls for strength and the union of Brazil in these difficult times; “Together we are stronger”.

Veiling Holambra
The Make-Upz® technology is created by Richard Grootscholten in the Netherlands. In 2019, together with Jerry van der Spek, a specialist in the Brazilian retail market, they joined forces and ideas to bring Make-Upz® Flores & Plantas to Brazil. Located within the Veiling Holambra, they distribute their first colorful plants throughout the Brazilian market since 2019. Veiling is the Dutch word for auction. The colorful assortment of Make-Upz® plants from the Netherlands are: