Florsani grower on Thursd profile


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Greenhouse - Year Round
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About Florsani


Florsani is an Ecuadorian company located in the Andean region of the country. The flower farm counts with an experience of many years in the international market and is committed to generating fulfilling lives for everyone; through the application of four philosophy pillars, which are represented as petals on this company's logo.

  1. Grow Yourself: Self Improvement
  2. Grow Flowers: Lead by example
  3. Grow as a Company: To evolve
  4. Contribute: Contribute to every part of the system

Passion by and for the Community

The use of these pillars has allowed Florsani to become a successful business with a passion for more than 900 workers in the community of Malchingui. And also, to have a clear guideline for the North of Ecuador, emphasizing on human quality of life, care for the environment, and continuous improvement of its customer service.

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Florsani location

Florsani Florsani, Predio San Isidro, Malchingui, Ecuador

Products Florsani has access to these products
Breeders Breeders connected to Florsani
Florists Florists connected to Florsani
Traders Traders connected to Florsani

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