What You’d Want to Know About Carbon Footprinting in Floriculture
Carbon Footprinting and Why It Is Important in Floriculture A concept that provides an understanding of how the industry’s choices impact the planet. It helps in identifying areas that require improvement and addressing them.
Fairmiles: Ensuring a Fair Transition to Net Zero
Fairmiles Presents a Fair Approach to Net Zero for Fresh Produce Airfreight The aim is to establish a just and equitable strategy, consistent with the principles of Climate Justice, for decarbonizing air-freighted perishables.
Rainwater harvesting tool
Lay Sister-Inspired Headwear by Mijoda Dajomi Doubles as Rainwater Harvesting Tool More and more artists are finding ways to combat climate change and help the water crisis and this project starts the initiative with a fashionable hat.
Aug 14 | 2 min read
Embrace the Arid Landscape and Xeriscape Your Home
Xeriscaping - An Eco-Friendly Sustainable Landscaping Trend You Can Adopt The use of drought-tolerant plants and water-wise practices to create stunning landscapes.
​Decofresh’s Water Drop ​Rose Design by Gaétan Jacquet Highlight​s the Company’s Commitment to Environmental and Social Responsibility.
Rose Deep Purple Enchants in a Water Drop Design at Printemps Palladien Me and my team used some 1,800 of these roses from Decofresh to create this outstanding design.
​​Sian Flowers gets Carbon Net Zero Certification for​ Sustainability.
A Carbon Net Zero Recognition for Sian Flowers' Efforts in Sustainability The rose and summer flower grower has constantly put in place measures that ensure sustainably produced flowers.
Flowers Sustainability
Jun 18 | 5 min read
World Rainforest Day
World Rainforest Day Is a Celebration of Our Green Guardians World Rainforest Day serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of collective action in safeguarding our forest treasures.
AI's Green Insights: Envisioning Tomorrow's Gardening Trends
AI’s Predictive Insights Forecasting Future Gardening Trends How accurate are these predictions, and what could they mean for people and the concept of gardening?
Floral Foam Is Bad as F**K !
Floral Foam Is Bad as F**K ! There's always an alternative for phenolic (plastic) floral foam.
French Federation of Florist Artisans Is Against Rose Bashing, Supports International Flower Imports
French Federation of Florist Artisans Has Spoken Out Against Rose Bashing Some climate experts argue that rose production is detrimental to the climate and harms the environment. What do players in the flower industry think?
The Growing Demand for Sustainable Flowers
The Growing Demand for Sustainable Flowers: A Focus on Retailers When it comes to the environmental impact of a flower or plant, it is essential to consider its entire life cycle.
Flowers Sustainability
Jul 26 | 4 min read
Herb Williams Illustrate Climate Crisis With Crayon Animals - Thursd Article - Featured Image
Colorful Crayon Animals by Herb Williams Illustrate the Climate Crisis in the World The emerging concern to take care of the planet has been exposed in the most creative of ways using crayons.
Floral Art
Aug 19 | 3 min read

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