Omo portraits by Matilde Simas
The Spectacular Omo Valley Portraits by Matilde Simas One of the most striking aspects of the Mursi people's attire is the use of flowers in their hairstyles. Here's how they use them!
Photography Flowers
May 01 | 4 min read
Africa-Grown Flowers Are Essential in the Global Flower Industry
African-Grown Flowers - Why You Should Not Give Up on Them The continent's flower sector is a key contributor to the overall global flower industry. It therefore needs to be recognized as such.
Care Tips for the Charming Gypsophila Flowers
Tips for Caring for the Charming Gypsophila Chrysal and Klaver Flowers help you get the most out of these cute and indispensible white flowers.
Cut Flowers Flowers
Sep 13 | 4 min read
Black Tulip Group Flowers
Middle East’s Premier Flower Firm Makes Inroads in the Global Floral Scene With a passion for flowers and a love for nature, Black Tulip Group says its mission is to grow flowers in an environment-friendly way and help the local economies to progress.
Cut Flowers Flowers
May 31 | 5 min read
Ethiopian Fashion Tribe turns nature into Haute Couture

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