Asocolflores is propelling Colombia's floriculture success.
How Asocolflores Is Powering Colombia’s Floriculture Success Floriculture has become the leading non-traditional agricultural export commodity for the country.
Flowers Sustainability
May 22 | 11 min read
Harvesting flowers at Mystic Flowers
Why Is Buying Flowers From Mystic Flowers — A Premium Flower Farm From Ecuador — A Good Idea? They have a strong commitment to the well-being of their staff while strengthening their community.
Apr 03 | 4 min read
Happy worker at Alexandra Farms
Natalia Uribe Talks About the Importance of Sustainability at Alexandra Farms "We work under the guidelines in our Environmental and Social Certification, Florverde, an independent social and environmental standard that ensures that flowers certified under this program have been responsibly produced."
Mar 27 | 5 min read
Clement Tulezi, the CEO of the Kenya Flower Council
10 Questions to Clement Tulezi, the CEO of the Kenya Flower Council "KFC's goal is to make Kenya the best destination for investing in cut flowers and ornamentals."
Flowers Interviews
Mar 20 | 9 min read
Rosaprima roses at the farm
PrimaVision 2024 - A Sneak Peek Into the World of Rosaprima 2024 is full of surprises, especially if you're a rose lover. Tune in to know what this year will bring.
Now on the markets Roses
Jan 24 | 2 min read
Kenya Flower Council's Bold Beautiful Kenyan Flower Campaign
This Campaign Seeks to Enhance Kenya’s Floriculture Industry The year-long Bold Beautiful Kenyan Flower campaign is aimed at promoting more demand for Kenya’s flowers in the global markets.
Floral Events Flowers
Jun 14 | 6 min read
Sian Flowers employees
Kenya’s Sian Flowers Is Banking On Sustainability to Drive Its Floriculture Profitability Sian is a leading producer of high-quality roses and summer flowers in Kenya and has, by and large, been keen on sustainability.
Flowers Sustainability
Mar 30 | 8 min read

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