Significance of Energy Efficiency for a Sustainable Floriculture Industry
Significance of Energy Efficiency for a Sustainable Floriculture Industry The flower industry's energy consumption has some environmental concerns including carbon emissions and resource depletion.
Explaining Substrate and Fertilizer Use in Sustainable Floriculture
Sustainable Use of Substrates and Fertilizers in Floriculture These two elements create the conditions necessary for optimal plant and flower growth and development.
Why Integrated Pest Management Is Vital in Sustainable Pest Control in Floriculture
Integrated Pest Management and Why It Is Vital in Sustainable Floriculture A science-based, comprehensive approach to pest control that prioritizes long-term prevention and minimal harm to ecosystems.
Horticultural Footprint Event
All About Horticulture Footprinting at the Upcoming Inaugural Horticultural Footprint Event A conference that emphasizes the critical role of carbon footprinting and environmental impact assessments in promoting sustainable practices.
Sustainable Water Use in the Floriculture Industry
A Case for Sustainable Water Use in the Floriculture Industry It is not merely an option; it is a necessity for ensuring the industry's long-term sustainability and viability.
Understanding the Role of Environmental, Social, and Governance Factors in Floriculture Sustainability
Understanding the ESG Framework in Floriculture Sustainability It all encompasses the criteria essential for promoting sustainability and ensuring responsible practices throughout the flower supply chain.
Understanding the Meaning of the Concept of Sustainability in Floriculture
Sustainability Defined - Understanding the Meaning of This Concept in Floriculture A comprehensive approach to flower production that integrates environmental stewardship, social responsibility, and economic viability.
Alexandra Farms garden roses
Alexandra Farms Obtains the Florverde Certification for 2024-2025 Do you know what it means to be Florverde certified? If not, read this article to know more.
Flowers Sustainability
Jan 08 | 6 min read
Alexandra Farms Design Contest
News Flash! Alexandra Farms Announces Winners of the 2024 Garden Rose Design Contest Cheers for what was, what came, and what is to come in the flower design world. For now, these were the results of each category!
Birds of Colombia
'Birds of Flowers' - A Pledge to Nature From the Heart of Colombia This initiative underscores a growing dedication to protecting Colombia's abundant avifauna through mindful cultivation and conservation efforts.
Flowers Remarkable
Sep 25 | 5 min read
Alexandra Farms Wins Seven Awards at SAF's Outstanding Varieties Competition
Seven Awards for Alexandra Farms at the SAF Outstanding Varieties Competition “Recognition in the competition carries weight with buyers and a sense of reward for everyone at our farm in Colombia. We're honored to be awarded ribbons in this year's competition!”
Asocolflores is propelling Colombia's floriculture success.
How Asocolflores Is Powering Colombia’s Floriculture Success Floriculture has become the leading non-traditional agricultural export commodity for the country.
Flowers Sustainability
May 22 | 11 min read

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