This Is How Sustainability Ensures Quality Roses Come from Red Lands Roses.
This Is How Sustainability Drives Rose Production at Red Lands Roses A flower farm that thrives on the agenda of conserving the environment and protecting the welfare of its people and surroundings.
Flowers Roses
Sep 04 | 8 min read
Alexandra Farms Wins Seven Awards at SAF's Outstanding Varieties Competition
Seven Awards for Alexandra Farms at the SAF Outstanding Varieties Competition “Recognition in the competition carries weight with buyers and a sense of reward for everyone at our farm in Colombia. We're honored to be awarded ribbons in this year's competition!”
​​Sian Flowers gets Carbon Net Zero Certification for​ Sustainability.
A Carbon Net Zero Recognition for Sian Flowers' Efforts in Sustainability The rose and summer flower grower has constantly put in place measures that ensure sustainably produced flowers.
Flowers Sustainability
Jun 18 | 5 min read
Different designs during the Garden Rose Contest
The 7th Annual Garden Rose Design Contest Is Now Open! This producer of award-winning all-year-round roses invites you to their annual garden rose design contest.

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