What You’d Want to Know About Carbon Footprinting in Floriculture
Carbon Footprinting and Why It Is Important in Floriculture A concept that provides an understanding of how the industry’s choices impact the planet. It helps in identifying areas that require improvement and addressing them.
Do Plants Feel Pain the Same Way People and Animals Do?
Plant Sentience - Do Plants Feel Pain the Same Way People and Animals Do? The idea that these seemingly silent and stationary organisms may possess a capacity for sensation and even consciousness is fascinating.
Olivia Broome Curates the Fusion of Brutalist Architecture and Lush Vegetation in Her Photobook
Olivia Broome’s Curated Photobook ‘Brutalist Plants’ Suffuses Lush Nature With Ruthless Architecture She presents a compelling collection of images capturing the entwinement of the architectural style and nature.
Wafex Kenya Is Your Ultimate Flower Sourcing and Logistics Partner
Wafex Kenya Guarantees a Hassle-Free Flower Sourcing and Logistics Experience Whichever flower you seek, rest easy knowing that this capable team will make it all seamless.
Oct 02 | 5 min read
Birds of Colombia
'Birds of Flowers' - A Pledge to Nature From the Heart of Colombia This initiative underscores a growing dedication to protecting Colombia's abundant avifauna through mindful cultivation and conservation efforts.
Flowers Remarkable
Sep 25 | 5 min read
Wedding and Event Design Brand Jacqui O Achieves Cheshire’s First Sustainable Wedding Alliance Accreditation
Jacqui O Attains Cheshire’s First Sustainable Wedding Alliance Accreditation "It reflects my ongoing efforts to prioritize seasonal, ethically sourced flowers, build strong relationships with sustainable growers, and employ creative, planet-friendly design techniques."
Florabundance: North America's Premier Provider of Wholesale Floral Solutions
Florabundance - A Premier North American Wholesale Flowers Supplier A flower wholesaler taking the U.S flower wholesale scene by storm and transforming its operatives with unique approaches.
Floral Education Flowers
Apr 24 | 8 min read
Sabine Darrall, an English Eco-Florist, Crafts Sustainable Wedding Decorations Using Flowers From Marginpar.
Blooms to Vows - Sabine Darrall's Sustainable Wedding Décor With Marginpar Flowers The English florist ensures floral sustainability in her designs which feature several flowers from the renowned grower.
Decorum’s Sustainability Cause: A Commitment to a Greener Plant and Flower Industry
Sustainability - Decorum’s Commitment to a Greener Plant and Flower Industry Environmentally friendly plant and flower practices form one of the brand's primary values, and they are implemented wherever possible.
Mar 06 | 8 min read
What the Flower hair salon
What the Flower Hair Salon – Where Greenery Meets Glamour What does a good hair treatment plus a full surrounding of plants sound like? Heaven, of course!
Indoor Plants Remarkable
Jan 24 | 3 min read
The Siam, a place where abundant greenery thrives amid Art Deco and rich Thai aesthetics
The Siam Merges Verdant Greenery With Art Deco and Rich Thai Aesthetics The design of the hotel is stunning, the location next to the river is breathtaking and the service is truly attentive.
National Wildlife Day highlights the significance of animals in nature.
National Wildlife Day Highlights the Importance of Animals in the Sustainability of Nature National Wildlife Day was established in 2005 and its primary objective was to raise awareness about the need for wildlife conservation. 

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