Nature Is the Place Where I Feel at Home and Whole to Create Lucia Pec Originals

I always leave my designs in nature, so nature can take them back.

By: LUCIA PEC | 16-11-2021 | 2 min read
Floral Art Remarkable
We left Hamburg to live in nature and from the first day, since we moved here, I love this landscape with all my heart. I have been creative all my life, but here in nature I really started to enfold that part of me more and more. Lucia Pec came to life!   Quote Lucia Pec        

Who Is Lucia Pec

My name is Lucia Pec, I am 48 years old, and I live with my husband and two doggy girls in Srni, a little village in the bohemian forest mountains in Czech Republik. We moved here from Hamburg in Germany in the year 2005. I have Czech parents, but I was born and grew up in Germany. I traveled a lot through the world, visited Australia, Canada, the USA, and Alaska in my 20th. Later I studied biology and worked as a nature guide and nature teacher for many years here in  Czech Republic. Nature has always been the place where I feel at home and where I feel whole.      

Authentic Lucia Pec Creations

I am the happiest and feel totally fulfilled when I can go outside, explore intuitively the forests and meadows of this beautiful landscape and see which material wants to go into a magic creative process with me. My creations are always ephemeral, I create them with great respect and care for mother nature, and in connection with all the elements around me. And they always stay where I created them so that nature can take them back. I only bring some pictures of my artwork home with me.      

Traveling South

During winter we travel south like many birds and spend some months in Portugal, where I can create with stones, shells or driftwood on stunning wild beaches. I am grateful every day to live the life I have and to be surrounded by the most beautiful nature. I hope my creations can touch some open hearts and deepen our awareness of ourselves as part of nature.     The Place Where I Feel at Home and Where I Feel Whole, Creations of Nature 4   The Place Where I Feel at Home and Where I Feel Whole, Creations of Nature - Blog on Thursd (3)  

Follow me

Instagram: @my.creative.nature Facebook: Website:     The Place Where I Feel at Home and Where I Feel Whole, Creations of Nature - Blog on Thursd by Lucia Pec  
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Lucia Pec

My name is Lucia Pec, I am 48 years old, and I live with my husband and two doggy girls in Srni, a little village in the bohemian forest mountains in Czech Republik.


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