The Theme Scorched Earth
The theme Scorched Earth is a very interesting concept. It can be interpreted in a variety of ways. Both positively and negatively. As with most things in life we are constantly searching for a balance between the positive and the negative.
Dystopian Romance
The idea of a Scorched Earth conjurers images of dry and arid, scorched by the piercing rays of the sun. It is sad in a way, but yet we can find some kind of dystopian romance about the yellow and orange landscape. In these works that I present, I hope I offer you a variety of possibilities to interpret the theme of Scorched Earth. I believe it is a call to search for a balance between nature and culture, to strike an equilibrium between progress and preservation, development, and sustainability.
Scorched Earth Floral Trend Color 2021 - Work one
Combining dried hydrangeas with life flippers orchids (Paphiopedilum). In shades of brown and faded blue, it’s a subtle way to combine texture and colors in a sophisticated way.
![Solomon Leong on Thursd. Scorched Earth Hydrangea & Paphiopedilum](/storage/media/9496/solomon-leong-on-thursd-scorched-earth-hydrangea-paphiopedilum.jpg)
Scorched Earth Floral Trend Color 2021 - Work number two
A ring of shredded wood veneer surrounds a fine line of the lily-of-the-valley (Convallaria). I believe this makes a striking remark on the encroachment of urbanization against nature
![Solomon Leong on Thursd. Scorched Earth](/storage/media/9497/solomon-leong-on-thursd-scorched-earth.jpg)
Scorched Earth Floral Trend Color 2021 - Work three and four
The concept of the theme of the 'Scorched Earth Floral Trend Color 2021', as applied for in daily commercial works.
![Solomon Leong on Thursd. Scorched Earth - Bouquet 2](/storage/media/9498/solomon-leong-on-thursd-scorched-earth-bouquet-2.jpg)
![Solomon Leong on Thursd. Scorched Earth - Bouquet](/storage/media/9499/solomon-leong-on-thursd-scorched-earth-bouquet.jpg)
Both are offered in our Omakase weekly flower menu, bringing in a reinvented way of appreciating this striking color palette.