What the Theme Scorched Earth Means to Me

An interesting theme, because it can be interpreted both positively and negatively.

By: SOLOMON LEONG | 25-11-2020 | 1 min read
Floral Designs Floral Trend Color

The Theme Scorched Earth

The theme Scorched Earth is a very interesting concept. It can be interpreted in a variety of ways. Both positively and negatively. As with most things in life we are constantly searching for a balance between the positive and the negative.   Quote Solomon Leong Scorched Earth Article on Thursd.

Dystopian Romance

The idea of a Scorched Earth conjurers images of dry and arid, scorched by the piercing rays of the sun. It is sad in a way, but yet we can find some kind of dystopian romance about the yellow and orange landscape. In these works that I present, I hope I offer you a variety of possibilities to interpret the theme of Scorched Earth. I believe it is a call to search for a balance between nature and culture, to strike an equilibrium between progress and preservation, development, and sustainability.

Scorched Earth Floral Trend Color 2021 - Work one

Combining dried hydrangeas with life flippers orchids (Paphiopedilum). In shades of brown and faded blue, it’s a subtle way to combine texture and colors in a sophisticated way.  

Solomon Leong on Thursd. Scorched Earth Hydrangea & Paphiopedilum
Hydrangea & Paphiopedilum

Scorched Earth Floral Trend Color 2021 - Work number two

A ring of shredded wood veneer surrounds a fine line of the lily-of-the-valley (Convallaria). I believe this makes a striking remark on the encroachment of urbanization against nature  

Solomon Leong on Thursd. Scorched Earth
Wood veneer & Convallaria

Scorched Earth Floral Trend Color 2021 - Work three and four

The concept of the theme of the 'Scorched Earth Floral Trend Color 2021', as applied for in daily commercial works.  

Solomon Leong on Thursd. Scorched Earth - Bouquet 2
Chrysanthemums, Lotus seeds, Fagus and Physalis
Solomon Leong on Thursd. Scorched Earth - Bouquet
Sedum, Carnations, Roses, Hydrangea, and Physalis

Both are offered in our Omakase weekly flower menu, bringing in a reinvented way of appreciating this striking color palette.   Scorched Earth Color Palette - sunrise - Scorched Earth Floral Trend Color 2021

Solomon Leong profile picture
Solomon Leong

Influenced by the English garden style and the European flower arranging ethos, the work of the Hong Kong based floral designer Dr. Solomon Leong have been described as ‘extraordinary’ and ’striking’ by international media such as the BBC.

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