
Begonia Sumatra Green

Plant Indoor Green Plants

About Begonia Sumatra Green

A real eye-catcher in any living room of office


Serrated and Pointed

Begonia Sumatra Green is a strong plant with serrated and pointed green leaves with a silver center. These variegated leaves give a nice fresh appearance. It is a beautiful houseplant that originates in moist, warm, and wooded areas.

Hand-Shaped Leaves

Begonia Sumatra Green's hand-shaped leaves are a real eye-catcher in any living room or office. The abundance of leaves adds body to the beauty of the plant.

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Begonia Sumatra Green breeder

Koppe Begonia


Koppe Begonia

Koppe Begonia was established in 1910 with the intention of creating a thriving business with a passion for plants. The company is a genuine family business.

The Foundation of Its Success

With consistent and well-rooted cuttings, Koppe provides growers with the groundwork for a top-quality product. They consider it important to invest in long-term collaborations with suppliers, growers, distributors, licensed partners, and employees. And that is the foundation of their success. Koppe is the begonia specialist, showing passion, quality, reliability, and a desire to be the best!

The passion for begonias guarantees its future success, while Koppe also believes in the importance of socially responsible enterprise with sympathy for humankind and the environment.

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