7 Modern Trends of Landscape Architecture All Students Should Know

What are the current trends that define landscape architecture as a field?

By: THURSD | 02-11-2022 | 7 min read
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Landscape architecture isn’t what it used to be 20 or even 10 years ago. New technologies have emerged and become affordable. Community policies have changed in light of climate change. The demand for green spaces has skyrocketed due to the pandemic.

But what does that all mean in practice? What are the current trends that define landscape architecture as a field? Let’s dive into seven of them that they may not teach you about at university – but all students should know about them, no matter the major.

That’s why you shouldn’t hesitate to carve out some time to study them more closely. You can get help from thesis paper writing by WritePaper for that end, for example. And then, use this list as your curriculum mini-guide!

1. Using Eco-Friendly Practices

Over half of Americans (64%) believe climate change is an important issue to tackle. That translates into different consumer choices and local policies.

So, both on the community and residential level, landscape architects now have to pay attention to:

So, if you’re a student learning about landscape architecture, make sure you have eco-friendly practices and interaction with the environment in your curriculum.


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2. Adapting Green Spaces to Extreme Weather Events

Speaking of climate change. Because of it, extreme weather events have already done their fair share of damage across the U.S. And they’re going to become only more and more frequent.

So, landscape architects should take into account that the spaces they create will have to withstand:

Green spaces have the power not just to withstand such events but to help reduce their impact, too. For example:

3. Maximizing Green Spaces in Urban Areas

Whether you were a student during the pandemic or not, you know how much it transformed people’s attitudes toward just about anything. One such change has to do with green spaces.

The positive impact of green spaces on people’s physical and mental health was quite well-researched before. But it took a once-in-a-century pandemic and lockdown for people to truly start recognizing the value of these spaces.

This shift led to a change in priorities on both personal and community levels:

4. Responding to the Rising Residential Demand

After spending months stuck in their apartments and houses, people’s perception of their personal space has changed, too. (By the way, that’s why home improvement goods sales skyrocketed during the pandemic.)

Now that the worst of the pandemic is over, people’s priorities haven’t bounced back to before. They want more greenery and nature in their life. And they often solicit novice or experienced landscape architects or designers to make their vision a reality.

But what exactly does that “residential demand” entail? What do people want from their landscaping projects? Here are the four most popular requests:

5. Brightening the Mood with Pops of Color

For the majority of people, their daily lives are filled with dull colors. They’re surrounded by shades of brown, grey, and other neutral colors, sometimes mixed with natural blues and greens.

Despite how pervasive those neutral colors are, there’s a natural push for adding more bright colors that landscape architects are witnessing now. People want to see rich yellow, orange, or purple pop up in their environment.

These pops of color don’t just serve an aesthetic purpose. They naturally draw people’s attention to a certain element or feature. Adding a bright-colored bench or a sign makes them stand out, so they’re immediately noticeable in the surroundings.

There’s one rule you should keep in mind if you experiment with color, though: less is more. The presence of ten different vibrant colors can easily cause a sensory overload. Plus, if there are too many colorful items, that can defeat the purpose of making them easy to find.

6. Following the Push for Functional Art

You might be tempted to think that architecture, landscape or not, is all about art. Perhaps, that’s what you’ve been taught in your major or minor classes at college. Yet, it’s not just about aesthetics – it’s about functionality, too.

In a nutshell, a project not only has to be aesthetically pleasing – but also has to serve a particular function. And it has to do it well. Think about it this way: what good is a beautiful bench if it’s uncomfortable to sit on?

While some items can exist only for artistic purposes (like a statue in a public park), most of what landscape architects conceive have to be functional, too. In green spaces, for example, the right trees should be planted in the right way to create shade.

7. Taking Advantage of New Technologies

Compare the technology now and 20 years ago, and you may feel that you’re living in a sci-fi world. Over the past two decades, technologies like AI, machine learning, and extended reality have become easily accessible to common users and professionals alike.

Landscape architects are no exception: their toolbox has expanded. They no longer rely only on their technical drawing skills. You can find them using the following four technologies regularly:

These tech tools help landscape architects make better decisions when planning the space. Plus, these tools help avoid costly mistakes and streamline some processes, thus reducing costs and improving productivity.

Final Thoughts

Landscape architecture as a field has evolved over the past couple of decades. New tools have become the industry’s standard. Environmentally-friendly practices are now included at every stage of design (conception, procuration, production, and so on). And functional art is more sought-after than ever before.

All of these trends above aren’t going anywhere. If anything, they’re going to become omnipresent. But, of course, they’re not the only trends out there.

There are quite some emerging trends that haven’t made the initial cut – but that is still worth mentioning here:


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