There's nothing that feels more satisfying than having an incredible mix of nature's fauna along with colorful flowers in your own garden. Yes, we're talking about the whimsical visit of butterflies, however, if you don't have the right flowers in your garden, they will barely show up. Keep reading to know five ways how to attract butterflies to your garden.
5 Tips to Allure Butterflies Straight to Your Garden
When butterflies visit outdoor spaces, there's nothing we can do than just stare at their majestic beauty. Going from flower to flower, they love a garden full of colorful flowers they can feed on and ultimately have a little break on as well. These five tips will help you attract butterflies to your garden and have them visit you every day!

1. Plant a Wide Variety of Flowers
Flowers attract butterflies, especially the simple, open blooms of yellow and purple types. Traditional kinds frequently offer more of the nectar that butterflies are looking for than contemporary, more vibrant hybrids. Some flowers you might want to plant to fully attract butterflies to your garden are the Spike Speedwell (Veronica Spicata 'Sunny Border Blue') and Butterfly Weed (Asclepias Tuberosa).
Spike Speedwell (Veronica Spicata Sunny Border Blue)
There should be some prickly Spike Speedwell Veronicas in every garden. They have the appealing trait of towering flower spikes that bloom from the base and move up to the tips, countered by dense, compact foliage.

This growth pattern lengthens the already lengthy period of bloom. Additionally, it makes deadheading very easy.
Butterfly Weed (Asclepias Tuberosa)
Butterfly weed is high in nectar and attracts butterflies and pollinating bees. You'll probably even get some swallowtail caterpillars snacking on the leaves since Asclepias is in the milkweed family, which is a host plant for the swallowtail butterfly.

This flower is one of the best ways to attract butterflies to your garden starting today.
2. Provide Them With Water in a Butterfly-Friendly Format
Although butterflies will consume pure water, they prefer a straightforward variation. The greatest technique to attract butterflies to your garden entails adding sand to a cake pan before soaking it in water.

The butterflies will draw water and other elements like minerals they need from the sand. The bottom line is, that butterflies need a differentiated type of water which will lead them to invade your garden in the most beautiful way.
3. Give Them a Butterfly Haven or 'Safe Spot'
Butterflies prefer tucked-away areas where they can hide from summertime predators and stay warm during the winter. Butterfly huts with slot openings are cute, but studies reveal that butterflies are more drawn to the natural world, such as hollow logs, stone crevices, loose bark, or a pile of firewood. Giving butterflies a safe space to rest and stay is one of the best ways to attract them to your garden.

4. Provide a Sunbathing Spot
A great way to attract butterflies to your garden is by giving them a specific space where they can happily sunbathe. Butterflies enjoy the morning light while they warm themselves before moving on with their day.

A sunny space in the garden or, alternatively, a nest of concrete paver bricks or stones provides them with a comfortable place to sunbathe.
5. Leave Fallen Fruit on the Ground
Sweet, juicy fruits are butterflies' favorites. The sweetness in fruits calls them, and this will definitely attract lots of butterflies to your garden. Food must be readily available for butterflies to feed on, given that some species will eat the sugar found in abandoned fruit on garden floors.

Berries, pears, and apples that have gone bad are common. If you leave fruit out on the compost pile, the riper the better because butterflies find it difficult to eat anything that is too firm.

Butterflies will for sure pay you nice visits if you make sure to give them safe spaces and yummy food to make their beauty stand out even more. These five tips will certainly draw them closer to you, letting you enjoy a stupendous garden view filled with colorful little wings.