Colorful Crayon Animals by Herb Williams Illustrate the Climate Crisis in the World

The emerging concern to take care of the planet has been exposed in the most creative of ways using crayons.

By: THURSD. | 19-08-2022 | 3 min read
Floral Art
Herb Williams Illustrate Climate Crisis With Crayon Animals - Thursd Article - Header Image

A Nashville-based artist, Herb Williams, created exceptional colorful crayon animals. They address the interconnected impacts of environmental catastrophe, hoping they will bring more consciousness among everyone who habits the planet.

Top-Notch Talent Seen in Colorful Crayon Animals by Herb Williams

Some of us are born with a profuse, incredible artistic talent, and this is quite the case for Herb Williams, who has impressed his followers once again with new pieces featuring animal shapes. Seeking to address the ongoing climate crisis faced in the world, the colorful crayon animals aim to awaken humans to the perspective and reality of our animals.


Colorful Crayon Animals Address Climate Change on thursd
Detail of “Phantom Limbs” by Herb Williams

New Colorful Crayon Sculptures by Herb Williams

Unseen before, a fawn, a pair of narwhals, and a small arctic fox compose the colorful crayon animal sculptures by Herb Williams. Art and a deep passion for the environment have fused. Herb creates sculptures that are prone to bringing environmental consciousness to humans.

Not only do crayon animals make a part of the artwork, but Herb Williams managed to create a melting chunk of a glacier, cut branches, and a sliced tree trunk to complete the appalling and sad reality that animals and planets face nowadays.


Closeup of colored crayon animal by Herb Williams on thursd
Detail of “Adrift” by Herb Williams


The Inspo Behind This Environmental Work of Art

The crayon-based ecosystem works of art are particularly timely, following daily devastating news from the planet. Inspiration for these incredible works is found in recent climate-related tragedies and human-caused disasters. Fires ripped across California and Utah, Greece, and Siberia, along with a tropical storm that raided Haiti just days after the country was devasted by a 7.2-magnitude earthquake.



Climate change is the inspiration behind the amazing crayon animal by Herb Williams on thursd
Detail of “Adrift” 


The Urgency to Act - Embodied Through Colorful Crayon Animals by Herb Williams

Herb Williams tries to convey the urgency of the issues: both pieces rely equally on the crisis matter as with the bands of color embedded within the fawn’s legs and hunks of wood in the “Phantom Limbs.” He expresses that bold, vibrant stripes illustrate the animals’ interpretations of deforestation and the potential for synesthesia. 

Herb Williams:

“The growth rings travel on as a sort of sonar after the tree is cut, and the animals see and hear the ripple effect as the loss is felt throughout the forest.”


Small Arctic Fox Colorful Crayon Animal by Herb Williams on thursd
Detail of “Adrift”


Different Color Blocks Wrap the Art Pieces

Similarly in the tusk-framed piece titled “Adrift,” different color blocks make a part of the drifting mass and bottom half of the narwhals’ bodies. They are showing the enduring effects of environmental disasters. Metaphorically, these are similar to how the bands of sediment are left in homes after floodwaters withdraw.


Color symbolism behind the colorful crayon animals by Herb Williams on Thursd
Detail of “Phantom Limbs”


Color Symbolism In Each Sculpture

The bands are in the colors representing the following:

1. Black for the oil spills around the world.

2. Red for uncontrolled and provoked wildfires.

3. Green for the irradiated waters from reactor spills.

4. Gold, yes even gold from luxury billionaire yachts running aground and contaminating the planet's water.


Black fawn colorful crayon animal on Thursd
Detail of “Phantom Limbs”
All Images by Herb Williams


To learn more about the artist, visit his Instagram account and website.

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