A supplier of among the most exquisite roses anywhere, Decofresh just unveiled yet another of its outstanding blooms that is sure to get heads turning. With its perfect salmon-orange blooms, this exceptional flower named Rose Maureen offers floral designers and arrangers an array of options through which they can use it in their floral compositions.
Whether incorporated in floral bouquets or event centerpieces and other flower design concepts, with Rose Maureen, you’ll hardly go wrong as it can be used alongside different varieties of filler plants and foliage to come up with some of the most exceptional compositions. Different florists and floral designers had a feel of this flower after sampling it in their arrangements and the results were nothing short of spectacular going by their positive reactions.
Petri Rijsdijk: "A Rose That Brings Us Joy When It Shines in Our Store"
Netherlands-based Petri Rijsdijk a florist at Fiori Bloemen also tried Rose Maureen in her floral designs and feels that it is an ideal flower for different floral arrangements and designs. Plus, it makes a great inclusion in autumn creations.

Petri Rijsdijk:
“Rose Maureen... What a beauty! Salmon orange remains a stunning color for various types of arrangements, be it for condolences or bridal work. It is also a great color for autumn creations. This rose opens up a bit, not completely but just enough to radiate. It is a rose that brings us joy when it shines in our store!"
For Elvira of Loose Florals the Spicy Color Palette Just Does It!
Loose Floral’s florist Elvira had an opportunity to sample Rose Maureen in a floral bouquet and what she found out about the rose is its exquisiteness in practically all its elements. The floral designer holds that this rose has all the qualities to uplift floral designs and arrangements.

“Rose Maureen is a rose that provides a spicy color palette. It has many petals and a thick bud. While its unfolding can be a bit tricky, if you take your time and give Rose Maureen the time, she will elevate your floral arrangements to a different, higher level.”
Stephan Winzer Found the Rose Just Magical
Stephan Winzer, a florist master and influencer based in Leipzig, Germany who also sampled Rose Maureen in his design praised its fragrance and the utmost beauty that this rose radiates wherever it is used.

“Rose Maureen is a wonderful rose. The color is just magical and the flower itself has a very good shelf life. And oh, I remember its very light fragrance. It just is a beautiful rose.”
Pien Flowers' Pauline Arkesteijn Believes It Is Ideal for Large Bouquets
For Pauline Arkesteijn IMF, the director of florists at Pien Flowers Bloemstyliste, not many flowers would beat Rose Maureen when it comes to making large floral bouquets and arrangements.

Pauline Arkesteijn:
“This is a beautiful and robust rose with thick stems and a firm flower head. It stays beautiful while in the bud. What’s more, it doesn't have thorns on the stem. It is a suitable rose for large floral arrangements and bouquets.”
Linda Hansson: "A Perfect Rose With a Perfect Color"
As for Swedish demonstration florist and designer Linda Hansson who runs Årstidens Bästa in Dalarna, this rose brings back fond memories of her grandparents’ rose garden with its picturesqueness and subtle fragrance. Quite a charming combination for creating outstanding floral arrangements and designs, you’d say!

Linda Hansson:
“These lovely roses remind me of my grandparents' rose garden. The smell of Rose Maureen is fantastic. And of course, the rose itself is perfect, especially its color.”
A Rose Worth Checking Out!
Now that the floral connoisseurs have had their say about Rose Maureen, how about you, as well, try it out in a stunning floral bouquet or a creative arrangement?
Rose Maureen is bred by Jan Spek Rozen, grown by Alisha, and marketed by Decofresh.
Feature image design by Fiori Bloemen, header image by Loose Floral.