It can be nice sometimes to stop at the bodega or grocery store after work and pick up a bunch of the weirdest flowers you see. They tend to be flowers meant for arranging, with a light touch, into bouquets — the little yellow ones, the giant purple ball ones, the ones that look like brains, any of the leafy ones — but flower-arranging rules were meant to be broken, and life is meant to be lived wildly. So why not just get a bunch of filler flowers or some statement flowers and put them in a vase all by themselves? I dare you, and as you know, you mustn’t renege on a flower-related dare.
Dianthus Green Ball
A favorite flower to pluck out of the sidelines and place center stage is the green Dianthus, also known as Dianthus Barbatus Green Ball (Sweet William), a flower name that reminds of a song title, specifically of the song title “Rosalita (Come Out Tonight).” They can be seen as whimsical green puffs, reminiscent of something you’d see in a Dr. Seuss illustration or during some sort of drug-enabled experience. People love them because they are very cute and extremely silly.

There are more different varieties, like the Dianthus Barbatus Cocoa Ball, which is all about that fashionable vintage look. And the Dianthus Barbatus Punky Ball, which is a youthful and rebellious variety, also from Ball Horticultural Company. There are even dark chocolate colors and purple balls, like the Dianthus Barbatus Crazy Ball Chocolate.

Gomphocarpus Balls
Then, there are other forms of green balls. Like larger pale green puff balls, which are ideal for creating a sweet, light atmosphere in order to relieve a bit of tension and have a bit of fun. It’s very nice that they even exist, and we are lucky to be able to pick them up on the way home from work. Check out these other green little balls of Gomphocarpus.

Mos Balls
And then, you also have mos ball arrangements. Just put a little of the fluffy balls in a nice bowl and you have a lovely and whimsy design. There are many different suppliers of moss balls, in all different sizes. But it's very easy to create your own, just go to any forest and get some from the ground and create a ball out of it. Make sure it stays damp, it is best to spray it every day so it stays fresh and green.