Forever Autumn With Potted Chrysanthemums

It's still autumn out there. Potted chrysanthemums get you in the perfect mood for this cozy season, so cheer up the place and enjoy to the max.

By: THURSD. | 17-11-2022 | 3 min read
Chrysanthemums Indoor Plants
Forever Autumn With Potted Chrysanthemums - Thursd Article - Header Image

It's still autumn out there. Potted chrysanthemums get you in the perfect mood for this cozy season. So, let's cheer up the place. There's plenty of time to discover a few of these beauts and enjoy them to the max. Try these three lines of chrysanthemums to get in an autumnal mood. What's your pleasure? Zembla, Anastasia, Yin Yang? Let's find out.

Beekenkamp & Deliflor

Where do Zembla and Anastasia chrysanthemums, and Ying Yang santinis come from? Cut flower growers would say Deliflor. But pot plant growers could claim it's Beekenkamp Plants. So, who's right? Time to unravel the mystery and explain how breeders can empower each other.

Beekenkamp Plants is one of the biggest breeders of potted and garden plants in the world. Deliflor is one of the biggest breeders of chrysanthemum cut flowers worldwide. Both companies are independent in a way, but also a member of the Beekenkamp Group.


Beekenkamp pot chrysanthemums quote on Thursd


Together, almost 3,000 employees work here to invent and propagate the best crop for its growers. It's no wonder that top runners from one breeder hop over to be implemented in the other breeder's assortment. Just like what happened with two very successful lines of chrysanthemum from Deliflor 'Zembla' and 'Anastasia' and the Yin Yang santinis were adopted by Beekenkamp Plants to be given another dimension.

These are just some ideas about what happened next and how either of these potted plants can cheer up your indoors during the cozy autumn season.

Chrysanthemum Anastasia

The line Anastasia chrysanthemums are easily recognizable. You will probably spot them from a mile away with their spider-like petals. Ever since the introduction by Deliflor in 2001, their Anastasia cut flower varieties have been in the spotlight. Beekenkamp has an impressive assortment of these striking pot plants, like Chrysanthemum Anastasia White, Anastasia Sunny, Anastasia Lime, and the stunning Anastasia Lilac.



Chrysanthemum Anastasia Lilac plant by Kwintplant on Thursd
Chrysanthemum Anastasia Lilac


Chrysanthemum Zembla

A big success in the cut flower range also met the expectations as a potted plant. The double-flowered Zembla has for long been in the Deliflor assortment as a spray and disbudded variety. And this popular cut flower does a fantastic job cheering up gardens, patios, and indoors as well. Beekenkamp Plants make sure that your autumn is a time to cherish the warmth these potted plants bring.

Take a look at these Chrysanthemum Zembla Lime, Zembla Yellow, Zembla Desna, and Zembla White from grower Kwintplant.



Chrysanthemum Zembla Mix plant on Thursd
Chrysanthemum Zembla. Photo by Záhrada a Kvety Kútiky.


Santini Yin Yang

Yin Yang is the line of pot chrysanthemum santini that is characterized by its bright-colored petals and black heart. This combination paints your room in striking white, yellow, and purple colors. These santinis in 12 cm pots are marketed by Berkhout Plants under their own label named 'Chrysabella'.

Seeing is wanting this cute santinis for something completely different. Check the white Chrysanthemum Santini Yin Yang, the fascinating Yin Yang Purple, or the lovely Yin Yang Yellow.


Chrysanthemum Santini Yin Yang Yellow on Thursd
Chrysanthemum Santini Yin Yang Yellow



On Your Mark. Go!

It's still autumn out there. So bring coziness and warmth to your home. Go for one or a few of these Beekenkamp beauts and enjoy this season to the max.




Beekenkamp banner on Thursd

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