How Do Fresh Naturally Grown Flowers Elicit Nuances of Emotional Connection?

Our world is, today, awash with artificial flower replicas and technological conveniences. But the power of garden-fresh blooms remains unmatched.

By: THURSD. | 21-08-2024 | 9 min read
Floral Education Flowers
Fresh Naturally Grown Flowers and Their Emotional Connection Nuances

Flowers possess an incredible ability to stir emotions and connect people to the world around them. Though they may seem like inanimate objects, they have a deep and far-reaching impact on humans’ psychological and social well-being. From their lively colors that cheer individual senses to the soothing scents that bring to mind unforgettable memories, flowers have a unique way of moving hearts and souls. 

Numerous studies have, all along, explored the emotional impact of fresh and natural flowers on people, and the findings have been quite remarkable. Researchers at Rutgers University, for instance, conducted a 10-month study examining the behavioral and emotional responses of people who received surprise flower deliveries. The results were clear — flowers have an immediate and long-lasting positive effect on mood and life satisfaction.

The Expressive Language of Flowers

Flowers have a language of their own. In unique ways, they express messages and emotions that words often fail to capture. Throughout history, people have used them as a means of articulating sentiments that may be difficult to put into words. From red roses symbolizing love to the white lily signifying purity, each flower carries a unique meaning and significance. 


Fresh Natural Flowers and Their Emotional Connection Nuances
Flowers are symbols of connection and intimacy.
Photo by cottonbro studio


As Dr. Jeannette Haviland-Jones, Ph.D., the lead researcher of the Rutgers University study put it:

"Flowers bring about positive emotional feelings in those who enter a room. They make the space more welcoming and create a sharing atmosphere." 

This implies that that they are not just beautiful decorations, but rather symbols of connection and intimacy. Gifting them means people share a piece of the natural world and express emotions that may be too complex to put into words. The study also found that flowers have a long-term positive effect on mood. Participants reported feeling less depressed, anxious, and agitated after receiving them. Additionally, the presence of flowers led to increased contact with family and friends, demonstrating their power to create and nurture social connections. 


Fresh Natural Flowers and Their Emotional Connection Nuances
Bunches of freshly cut flowers.
Photo by @jardinlupin.fermeflorale


A Floral Connection: The Link Between (Fresh) Flowers and Life Satisfaction

Flowers have long held a special place in the human psyche. They are symbolic. They represent emotions like love, joy, and beauty throughout history. The tender petals of a rose, the bright and invigorating yellow hue of a sunflower, or the serene elegance of a lily, all show that flowers, in their natural form, have an innate ability to produce deep emotional responses. This is a link that runs deep, rooted in humans’ evolutionary history and the fundamental ways in which people recognize and interact with the natural world around them.


Fresh Natural Flowers and Their Emotional Connection Nuances
Flowers have an innate ability to elicit deep emotional responses. 
Photo by Mariam Antadze


There have been several more studies examining the psychological and physiological benefits of exposure to natural environments, including how the presence of live plants and flowers affects people. The biophilia hypothesis, proposed by renowned biologist E.O. Wilson, for instance, opines that humans possess an innate tendency to seek connections with nature and other living systems. This is a legacy of people’s evolutionary past as a species deeply entwined with the natural world. This inherent affinity for nature has been shown to have a measurable impact on well-being, with the mere sight of plants and flowers capable of reducing stress, improving mood, and enhancing cognitive function.


Fresh Natural Flowers and Their Emotional Connection Nuances
Flowers are capable of reducing stress, improving mood, and enhancing cognitive function.
Photo by freepik


The power of fresh flowers to elicit emotional responses is particularly evident in the context of gifting. When someone receives a bouquet of fresh, vibrant, fragrant blooms, the experience taps into their human emotions. The simple act of giving and receiving flowers is filled with meaning. It conveys sentiments of love, appreciation, and care that resonate on a deeper and more personal level. The receiver of these fresh flowers is not just getting an object, but rather a tangible expression of the giver's thoughts and feelings.

Real Fresh Flowers Come With an Authenticity and a Sensory Experience

Fresh and natural flowers are replete with benefits. A key factor that distinguishes them from their faux counterparts is the authenticity of the sensory experience that they provide. Natural blooms engage the mind in a way that faux flowers simply cannot match. The visual appeal of fresh flowers is undeniable. Their rich, nuanced colors and delicate, organic forms are influential. 


Fresh Natural Flowers and Their Emotional Connection Nuances
Fresh mums and other flowers in a bouquet.
Photo by @zentoo_chrysanthemums


Each petal and stem is unique; a product of the complex processes of nature. This is in contrast to artificial flowers which, no matter how well-crafted, often lack the subtle variations and even the imperfections that lend natural blooms their characteristic appeal and character. The eye is, therefore, more often drawn to the authenticity of the real thing, fascinated by the dynamic play of light and shadow, the gentle curves and contours that speak to the living and breathing essence of the flower.

Away from their visual appeal, fresh flowers engage the sense of smell. They offer a diverse array of fragrances that can arouse strong emotional responses. The scent of a freshly cut rose, the sweet aroma of lilacs, or the earthy, herbal notes of lavender; all create olfactory experiences deeply tied to people’s memories and feelings.


Fresh Natural Flowers and Their Emotional Connection Nuances
The scent of fresh flowers evokes different emotions and feelings.
Photo by @blume2000


They trigger associations that can transport one from the present to the past or imagined moments in their lives, which they treasure. The same cannot be said of faux flowers. No matter how realistic they may appear, they remain integrally limited in their ability to recreate these senses.

The tactile experience of fresh flowers is another crucial factor. The soft, velvety petals, their delicate stems, and the gentle weight of the blooms; all these physical attributes contribute to the overall sensory experience. They build a deeper connection between an individual and the flower; a connection that can never be replicated by faux flowers.


Fresh Natural Flowers and Their Emotional Connection Nuances
Photo by Sergey Sokolov


Emotional Resonance and Authenticity

Fresh, natural flowers possess a unique emotional resonance that artificial substitutes simply cannot match. Think of the very act of selecting, arranging, and displaying natural blooms. This deed is enriched with meaning and intention. It reflects one’s thoughtfulness and care. When one, in turn, receives these fresh flowers in a bouquet, they instinctively recognize the effort and consideration that went into their selection and presentation. 

The emotional connection created then, is further reinforced by the ephemeral nature of these fresh flowers. The fact that they will not last eternally is a pointer to the fleeting beauty that has to be valued there and then. This quality is lacking in artificial flowers. No matter how lifelike they are, they still lack an intrinsic emotional resonance. They are, by their very nature, devoid of the living essence that makes natural flowers special. 


Fresh Natural Flowers and Their Emotional Connection Nuances
Fresh, natural flowers possess a unique emotional resonance.
Photo by @florelieseasonalflowers


Flowers and Fond Memories

Flowers, as is common knowledge now, evoke memories and nostalgia. They bring back those cherished moments in people’s lives. Their scent, feel and sight recreate vivid recollections of one’s childhood, loved ones, or significant life events. 

Higgledy Gemma, a gardening enthusiast fondly writes:

"Muscari, hollyhocks, and Centranthus will forever keep my family home and my childhood alive. These are my memories, I'm sure you will have your own too… The emotions they stir may [also] come from memories, flowers that fill your nostrils with scents of grandma’s garden, or transport you back to a time when you were a carefree child picking petals and creating daisy chains.”


Fresh Natural Flowers and Their Emotional Connection Nuances
Flowers sometimes recreate vivid recollections of one’s childhood.
Photo by @jardinlupin.fermeflorale


The emotional connection that people form with — and from — flowers is, therefore, deeply personal. It is rooted in their personal experiences and the memories they hold. In their ability to connect people with the natural world and their own pasts, flowers demonstrate their capacity to, also, ground people in the present moment and provide a sense of comfort and belonging. They are a tangible link to the people, places, and moments that have shaped individual’s lives.

Flowers and Self-Discovery

The emotional power of fresh and natural flowers extends past their ability to conjure memories and build social connections. They, also, play a role in the process of self-discovery and personal growth.


Fresh Natural Flowers and Their Emotional Connection Nuances
Photo by Roxxie Blackham


In the poem ‘The Tuft of Flowers’ by Robert Frost, the narrator initially feels isolated and disconnected from his environment. He checks around for a neighboring farmer, who had, earlier, been mowing grass. He is saddened that the farmer has already left and now he must work all alone. The surprise arrival of a butterfly which draws his attention to a tuft of flowers spared by the farmer's scythe, lifts his spirits. He, then, no longer feels isolated. He realizes that he and his absent co-worker share similar thoughts on floral beauty and nature. The beauty of the ‘forgotten’ tuft of flowers leads him to a realization.

Thus he remarks:

"Men work together. I told him from the heart. Whether they work together or apart." 


Fresh Natural Flowers and Their Emotional Connection Nuances
A shared appreciation for nature, floral beauty, and the natural world.
Photo by pch.vector


In this moment of connection and realization of a shared appreciation for nature, floral beauty, and the natural world, the narrator forgets his sense of isolation and recognizes the connections existing between all people. Yet, flowers, in this case, were the catalyst for this self-reflection and discovery.

The Universality of Floral Emotions

The emotional influence of fresh and natural flowers is not limited to any one gender or age group. Both men and women, across all ages, experience amazing delight and increased social interaction when receiving flowers. Hence, the emotional connection to flowers is a universal human experience that goes past cultural and demographic boundaries.


Fresh Natural Flowers and Their Emotional Connection Nuances


In their own ways, therefore, those flowers you see growing in gardens, yards, or anywhere else, or that vase or bouquet of freshly picked and arranged flowers, connect individuals on a much deeper level. You just have to keenly observe them to recognize the emotional connection they evoke.


Feature image by @florelieseasonalflowers, header image by freepik.


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