IPD Promotes Direct Trade - From the Plantation to the Target Market

German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development stimulates trade with cut flower farms from Ecuador, Colombia, Kenya and South Africa.

By: THURSD. | 26-02-2025 | 5 min read
How It Works
IPD Promotes Direct Trade

Kenya is of global importance as a flower country and above all as an exporter of roses. The East African country is now one of the most important producers of roses, but the range of Kenyan flower farms is far more diverse. A large proportion of the cut flowers come from foreign-financed and managed farms and are exported to Europe via the Netherlands. In recent years a second generation of flower farms has emerged. These are small and medium-sized companies with Kenyan capital and are managed by well-trained Kenyan agricultural engineers.

“The new generation of farms has the potential to change the trade in Kenyan cut flowers,” explains Dr. Andreas Gemaehlich, Sourcing + Markets Specialist at the German Import Promotion Desk (IPD). “And we are providing support.” The project of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) works closely with the smaller flower farms, imparts the necessary knowledge about market requirements, and networks them with European importers. The aim of the IPD is to make sure these farms are able to sell their cut flowers directly on the European market without intermediaries, thus enabling the companies to achieve high added value.

IPD - Initiative to Promote Imports

In addition to Kenya, IPD is also active in Ecuador, Colombia, and South Africa. Like Kenya, Ecuador is primarily known for its roses. The IPD partner companies have a wide product range including carnations, Hydrangeas, Proteas, and a diverse selection of summer flowers. Colombia is still less known in Europe as a country of origin for cut flowers, but offers a high-quality range of Chrysanthemums, Hydrangeas, and foliage, for example. South Africa impresses with its unique flora, its Fynbos Flora: it is not without reason that the King Protea is stylized in South Africa's national coat of arms.


IPD Germany Andreas Gemaehlich quote

Mt Kenya Sprouts Blue Eryngium harvesting
Blue Eryngium harvesting at Mt. Kenya Sprouts


With around fifty companies from four countries, IPD offers European buyers a wide range of cut flowers and potential trading partners. The initiative for import promotion supports buyers in the complex sourcing of new partners and high-quality products. The IPD team carefully checks the farms before they are accepted into the IPD program. The assessment includes product quality, export capacity, logistics, and social and environmental standards. The small producers are positioned in such a way that they can reliably meet the seasonal demand in the EU market. Over the past five years, the companies in the IPD program have gained new trading partners, expanded their share of direct deliveries, and increased their turnover significantly.

“We are giving European companies the opportunity to work directly with small and medium-sized flower farms,” says Dr. Andreas Gemaehlich from the IPD. “Both sides benefit: Buyers can establish partnerships with flower farms that allow for more long-term planning, more stable prices, and the consideration of individual requirements. Producers, in turn, get to know their customers' needs first-hand, can optimize their range and achieve better prices.”

Successful Switch to Direct Trade

In Kenya, IPD is currently working with ten cut flower farms. The new generation of farms are also located around Lake Naivasha—but in the second row, so to speak—as well as in other traditional flower-growing areas such as around Mount Kenya. They take advantage of the favorable climate of the high altitudes in the Rift Valley, with high levels of sunshine and moderate temperatures. “The farms offer very good product quality and a wide variety of cut flowers,” says Andreas Gemaehlich. “In addition to the classic roses, they have Alstroemeria and a wide range of summer flowers, such as Hypericum and kangaroo paw, in their product portfolio.”

Five farms have already entered the direct trade – including the farm Mt. Kenya Sprouts.  Specializing in the cultivation of high-quality summer flowers. The medium-sized company grows Eryngium, Limonium, Bupleurum, Ammi, Lepidium, Lisianthus, Bupleurum, Talinum, and Delphinium, among others.


Mt Kenya Sprouts White Limonium grading
Grading white Lomonium at Mt. Kenya Sprouts


Example Case: Mt. Kenya Sproute

Before the cooperation with IPD, Mt. Kenya Sprouts sold its cut flowers to Europe mainly via flower auctions and the Netherlands. In order to supply European importers directly, the company lacked knowledge of the special requirements of the EU market, knowledge of the target group and their expectations, as well as contacts.

Together with IPD, the company underwent a strategic change and largely switched its sales to direct trade. IPD trained the Mt. Kenya Sprouts team in a special training program on market requirements and the 'intricacies' of the European market. In personal coaching sessions, the team received practical knowledge on company positioning as well as on trade fair appearances and sales talks. At the International Floriculture Trade Fair (IFTF) 2022 in Amsterdam, Mt. Kenya Sprouts was able to present its portfolio to a broad audience for the first time with the support of the IPD and make new business contacts.

A proof of the advantages of direct trade is the partnership with the company Bluetenpracht Frischblumen from Cologne (Germany): The flower importer took part in an IPD buyer's trip to Kenya in 2023 and got to know the team and the products on-site. Since then, the collaboration has continued to develop. Together, the two partners have created a new product range. Mt. Kenya Sprouts now also delivers packed-at-source bouquets to Europe. A new dimension in production and export for the small company.

Since the cooperation with IPD, the company has experienced significant growth: direct sales have increased by around 85 percent, the number of employees has doubled and the range has been expanded including new plant varieties and specialized products such as bouquets.


Mt Kenya Sprouts Blue Statice harvesting
Outdoor field of blue Statice at Mt. Kenya Sprouts


Services of the Import Promotion Desk (IPD)

You can find more information about the range of cut flowers from Ecuador, Kenya, Colombia, and South Africa and the neutral and free services of the IPD on the website of the Import Promotion Desk.


All images courtesy of IPD and Mt. Kenya Sprouts.


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