Mount Kenya Sprouts grower on Thursd profile

Mt. Kenyan Sprouts

Kenya flag


Greenhouse - Outdoor - Year Round
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About Mt. Kenyan Sprouts

Mt. Kenyan Sprouts

Mt. Kenya Sprouts is a trusted fast-growing summer flower producer. The farm is located on the iconic high-altitude slopes of Mt. Kenya, with 16 hectares under production growing at 1,900 and 2,500 meters above sea level.

High-Quality Varieties

The farm of Mt. Kenya Sprouts specializes in a range of high-quality varieties of all-year-round flowers including Limoniums, Eryngiums, Lepidium, Bupleurum, Ammi, and Aster.

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Mt. Kenyan Sprouts location

Mt. Kenyan Sprouts Mt. Kenyan Sprouts, Nanyuki, Kenya

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