Jules Cox Demonstrates the Possibilities of 100% Natural Floral Blocks

This young and upcoming floral architect shows his wild table piece made with Sideau®.

By: THURSD. | 11-09-2024 | 6 min read
Floral Designs
Jules Cox dersgns with Sideau

Jules Cox is a young and upcoming florist. As a freelance designer with his agency Among the Thorns Creations, he picks up anything he can learn from that fits within his values. Recently, he came across the Sideau® 100% natural floral block. And this is how he merged this into his design style creating a wild table piece.

Among the Thorns Creations

The name of Jules' company tells just what it is and where his passion lies: being among the flowers.


Agra-Wool Jules Cox quote on Sideau


Not just the ones that are cultivated in greenhouses by the growers of this world, but also going out into the wild to wander through forests and fields, over the heath and hills of the Dutch region of Limburg where he lives and works.


"I have a broad field of interest. I take on a lot of different projects to learn all aspects of floral design. I am available as a freelance florist, so I can work temporarily in a florist shop or do projects like events. I am still young, only 26 years old, and my journey in this industry has just begun about five years ago. What I aim for is to collaborate more and more with events, do contests, and eventually teach others about floristry. To get there, I learn from everything I see and do, developing my own signature style, and becoming the best floral designer and tutor I can be."

'The Architect'

Who says you have to know what you want to become as a kid? You can start something completely different before your true passion crosses your path. On some occasions, you may even be able to use what you learned before in your new profession. That's what happened to Jules Cox; after six years of studying to become an architect.


"To become a florist was a big step for me because I was moving in a totally different direction. When I found out I was not to be an architect, I panicked a bit. Have I been wasting all that energy for six years? But no, I have found out that I am still an architect today. There is no day that goes by without me making a sketch, or drawing a design. I can use a lot of my architectural knowledge in my day-to-day designs. So, architecture has become an integral part of my style.

The problem is that I love every flower I see, and there are so many!! I get inspiration by just going to the auction and seeing all those varieties. I go crazy sometimes because I want to buy them all!! At that same moment, ideas are already flowing into my head, making it even more difficult to choose. Making architectural drawings of my floral designs helps me to make a conscious decision of what the end result will be and which flowers I need to accomplish that. That is about getting the right colors together, using the golden ratio, and creating the right associations with the design."


Jules Cox table design with brown roses
Jules Cox' table design with his favorite brown roses


Designing With Sideau®

During his first-ever contest, he made an impression on the people from Agra-Wool International, the inventors of the Sideau® floral block.


"My first experience in a contest was in the Bloem&Blad Talent Award 2024. Agra-Wool was one of the sponsors, so that's how we met. They understood immediately what I was doing with my approach towards sustainable designing using materials directly from nature. It instantly clicked with the way that they are presenting their 100% natural floral blocks.

So, I was asked shortly after to use my philosophy and skills on the Sideau® blocks. And here I am, with my first design featuring Sideau®. I have made a couple of videos and did a photo shot while designing. It was so much fun doing this!

With this design, I want to show the possibilities of this floral block. I used the corso block of 20x20x60 cm. As you can see, I did not hide it in a tray of pot but left it clearly visible. This way the viewer can see in detail what techniques I have used to create this bit of bewildered piece. The block itself looks good and gives a very natural impression. I could leave my design outside on the ground and it would look totally natural.

Through the classical airy flowers I use I want to show particularly some warm-cold pastel contrasts. I am fond of classical colors, especially that brown Toffee rose."



Tips for Florists Using Sideau®

Sideau® is not like the non-degradable floral foam many florists still work with. Working with this sustainable product needs a little explanation.


"I found out that the Sideau® floral block is built up of layers. So, the flowers stick best—even without pre-drilling—between the layers. When you know that, it works even easier than foam. It also cuts really easily in any shape you like, even round or orb-shape ones.

Next to that, Sideau® is a 100% natural product, which means after its use you can simply crumble it and put it in your garden. If you want to use if with your indoor plants, I would consider cutting or tearing it into small pieces and simply put it with the plant.

I endorse this because my specialization during my study was landscape architecture—designing outdoor areas while preserving nature."


Jules Cox designs with Sideau
Jules Cox designs with Sideau


What's Next, Jules?

Jules Cox has just got started in the floral business. But with an outspoken style like this, his future looks already promising. This leaves the question of where and how we will be able to see Jules.


"One of the best things about being a floral designer and teacher is the possibility to travel the world. I want to go to Asia, Africa, and South America to do projects, and events, to learn about their style, and to teach mine.

You must know that one of my other hobbies is to learn about biogenetics. It bedazzles me to see how such beautiful blooms can grow from such a tiny plant, seed, or bulb. To work with the wonders of nature is truly a privilege. And to see how something that started so humbly growing out to such a marvelous flower or plant that makes so many people happy is priceless. I want to share this feeling with everyone around the world."


Design and all photos courtesy of Jules Cox. For his design, Jules used the Sideau® corso block of 20x20x60cm. Styling clothes by FOKK__it.


Banner Agra-Wool Sideau 3 Blocks Box



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