Plastic Free July - Join the Movement Towards a Greener Future

Discover how to revolutionize your approach to plastic consumption and pave the way for a sustainable future. Also for florists!

By: THURSD. | 10-07-2024 | 7 min read
Special Days Sustainability
Plastic free july movement

'Plastic Free July', the groundbreaking movement that has created more awareness globally than ever, empowers individuals and communities to significantly impact the environment by becoming more conscious of everyday materials used for different purposes. With the alarming rise in plastic pollution and its devastating effects on the planet, this organization is here to inspire change and create a better future for the world. Join this incredible motion towards a greener, cleaner Earth.

Join the Movement Toward a Greener Future

The Birth of the 'Plastic Free July' Environmental Movement

Plastic Free July was born out of a desire to raise awareness about the pressing issue of plastic pollution. In 2011, the initiative was launched by Rebecca Prince-Ruiz. She is the founder of the Plastic Free Foundation, a non-profit organization committed to reducing plastic waste globally. What started as a small local campaign in Western Australia has now grown into a global phenomenon, engaging millions of individuals, businesses, and communities.


Rebecca Prince Ruiz
Founder Rebecca Prince-Ruiz


Will you be part of Plastic Free July by choosing to refuse single-use plastics? Keep reading to get yourself soaked in all the important information to know about it.


Calendar idea of how to be plastic free
Photo: @plasticfreejuly


Join the Challenge While Raising Awareness Leading to Action

Over the years, Plastic Free July has become a catalyst for change. It encourages people to take simple yet effective actions to reduce their plastic consumption. The movement promotes awareness through education, providing resources, and supporting participants in their journey toward a plastic-free lifestyle. Have you thought about joining the challenge?


Fresh flowers wrapped in paper
Photo: @plasticfreejuly


This activity provides resources and ideas to help you (and millions of others around the world) reduce single-use plastic waste every day at home, work, school, and even at your local cafe. Did you know the movement has inspired 100+ million participants in 190 countries? You making a small change will collectively make a massive difference to our communities. You can choose to refuse single-use plastics in July (and beyond!). Best of all, being part of Plastic Free July will help you to find great alternatives that can become new habits forever.


Plastic Free July foundation
Photo: @plasticfreejuly


Why Plastic-Free July Matters

Plastic pollution poses a grave threat to our planet's delicate ecosystems. From our oceans to our forests, plastic waste harms wildlife, disrupts ecosystems, and contributes to climate change. By participating, you become an agent of change, helping to protect these precious environments for generations to come.


Plastic Free July quote on Thursd


Making part of this activity shows everyone that even small actions can make a big difference. When people unite as a global community, everyone has the power to drive significant change. By reducing the reliance on single-use plastics, people can help conserve resources, minimize waste, and reduce carbon emissions. Together, everyone can build a more sustainable future for our planet!


Cleaning plastic from a beach in Nigeria
Cleaning plastic from a beach in Nigeria
Photo by @reswaye


The Love for Plastic-Free July

Plastic Free July has captured the hearts and minds of people from all walks of life. Participants often report a sense of fulfillment and empowerment as they witness the positive impact of their actions. By embracing a plastic-free lifestyle, individuals rediscover the joy of simplicity, creativity, and mindful consumption.

One of the most remarkable aspects of this month is the incredible sense of community it fosters. From local neighborhood initiatives to international collaborations, the movement brings people together with a shared purpose: to protect our planet. This unity generates inspiration, support, and lasting friendships that extend far beyond July. For this, there is also a Plastic Free Foundation that shares several benefits.


Choose to up cup plastic free
Photo: @plasticfreejuly


After six years Plastic Free July outgrew its home and they set up the Plastic Free Foundation Ltd as an independent, not-for-profit charity in 2017 to better support participants and grow the campaign. The mission of the Plastic Free Foundation is guided and informed by core values such as:

Become a Plastic Free Conscious Florist

As a florist, you have so many options to be plastic-free. Take the floral foam you are using, for instance. Big chance that there is still plastic in it. There are other options, like using wire or plastic-free foam.


Plastic Free floral designs
Designing with flowers using plastic-free methods and techniques
Photo: @plasticfreejuly


Shean Young from Mayesh demonstrated the difference between using floral foam and floral netting (chicken wire) for a centerpiece arrangement by creating one of each in this article 'Floral Foam vs. Wire'.

On the other hand, Lynn Fossbender from Pollen Floral Studio explains why and how she gave up floral foam back in 2021. And, of course, there are biodegradable floral foams like Sideau, that Agra-Wool International has been successfully marketing for several years already, with products that have made a big impact.


Sideau plastic free floral block
Sideau® has a noticeable softening effect while remaining quite dense and is odorless and colorless in the water. As a result, Sideau® is safe for both people and the environment, the main reason why floral designers don't like to use plastic in floral foam, making this product much more enjoyable.


And what about the bouquet wrapping paper or jute? Anything goes, from a design wrapping paper for special occasions to simply using a newspaper, which can look very 'urban' and trendy, by the way. Also, jute has become a florist basic.


Paper wrapped presents decorated with seasonal flowers
Paper-wrapped presents decorated with seasonal flowers


Bouquet with paper and jute by floristika
Bouquet with paper and jute by floristika


Join the Plastic Free July Movement Today

Plastic Free July is not just a one-month campaign; it is a lifestyle choice that can have a lasting impact. Why stop in August and pick up the old habit? Here's how you can get involved and make a difference:

1. Start Your First Plastic-Free July

Join millions of individuals around the world by accepting to take the challenge. It is simple — refuse single-use plastics for the entire month of July. Start small by eliminating items like plastic bags, straws, water bottles, and food packaging. Gradually incorporate more sustainable alternatives into your daily life such as a copper water bottle for example.


Replacing plastic bags for jute bags
Photo: @plasticfreejuly


2. Spread the Word

Educate your friends, family, and colleagues about the importance of reducing plastic waste. Share the Plastic Free July website and your personal experiences on social media platforms. Encourage others to join the movement and inspire them with your own sustainable choices.


The Flower People plastic-free wrapping
'The Flower People' in the UK wanting to diminish the consumption of plastic use
Photo by Greg Hewitt from Plastic Free Chesterfield


3. Support Businesses and Organizations

Choose to support businesses and organizations that prioritize sustainability and offer plastic-free alternatives. Look for shops that promote reusable products, zero-waste packaging, and environmentally friendly practices. By supporting these businesses, you send a powerful message to the industry that there is a demand for eco-friendly options.

4. Engage in Local Initiatives

Get involved in local Plastic Free July initiatives and events in your community. Many cities organize clean-up campaigns, workshops, and educational programs during this time. Participating in these activities not only helps raise awareness but also connects you with like-minded individuals who are passionate about creating a plastic-free world.


Joining the plastic free movement
Joining the plastic-free movement


5. Make Long-Term Changes

This movement is just the beginning. Use this month as a launching pad to make long-term changes in your lifestyle. Evaluate your consumption habits and identify areas where you can reduce plastic use. Embrace reusable options, such as cloth bags, stainless steel water bottles, and glass containers. By making sustainable choices every day, you contribute to the preservation of the planet (very slowly, but surely).

Everyone can make a difference and be a part of the solution.


Header image by the Plastic Free Foundation.


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