Tropical front door plants for an effective first impression and a spectacular ushering in your visitors. A well-structured landscape, with a touch of befitting plants distributed across the front yard, always elevates the curb appeal of your home but front door plants can transform your exterior tremendously.
Picking the right front door plants is the epitome of feng shui energy invitation, enhancing the flow of the energy 'chi' right outside and as even people enter your home. The front door will not only infuse nature's beauty into your front door space but also bring positivity and contribute to unlimited energy flow. The following most popular front-door plants exude elegance, and luxury and stand as a great connection to nature and greenery for you and your visitors right outside before entering into your indoor space.
Tropical Plants for Your Front Door Space
Bring a touch of exotic beauty to your front door, through the incorporation of befitting and unique tropical plants. Consideration of your climatic zone is crucial to growing, and caring for your tropical plants on your front porch. Here are some of the tropical plants with their respective climatic zones to green up your front door.

- Bougainvillea
- Areca palm (Dypsis lutescens)
- Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia reginae)
- Plumeria
- Dracaena Mahatma (Cordyline Terminalis Mahatma)
- Spindle Palm(Hyophorbe verschaffeltii)
- Pygmy Date Palm (phoenix roebelenii)
- Broadlef Lady Palm (Rhapis Excelsa)
- Alocasia Calidora
- Asplenium Nidus
- Philodendron bipinnifitadum
- Sundaville
Put a spectacular show of color all year round in your front door space with a low-maintenance, Bougainvillea. This blooming front-door plant, prefers full sun, and consistent watering, especially during the first weeks of planting. Grow Bougainvillea in a climatic zone with USDA hardiness zones between 9-11.

Bougainvillea is not a fussy plant, it can withstand tough weather conditions, provided it is well-established already! Grow your Bougainvillea in acidic soil, and provide support like the; trellies or grow near the front door wall so that it can climb it for support. Bougainvillea ought to be protected against colder temperatures or frost since it alters its optimal growth.
Areca palm (Dypsis lutescens)
Areca Palm is the most popular indoor or outdoor palm variety. With its feathery-like and arching fronds, leading to a lush growth, Areca Palm offers you the desired amount of greenery elegance to your front door space.

Outdoors, Areca Palm is ideal for climatic zones with USDA hardiness zones between 10-11, though it can also thrive as a houseplant; Areca Palm does best as an outdoor plant, in this case, the perfect palm plant for your front door space. Filtered sunlight is preferred when grown outdoors, with well-draining soil. Water your Areca Palm consistently but only when the top soil dries out to avoid water logging.
Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia reginae)
Bird of Paradise is a hardy plant and can easily adapt to different climatic conditions; from partial to full sun your Strelitzia reginae will thrive regardless. Regular watering and optimal humidity levels are vital for the well-being of Bird of Paradise. It can also be grown indoors with regulated humidity levels, Bird of Paradise does well in USDA hardiness zones 10-12.

It is a slow-growing plant, making it a perfect greenery as a front door plant, since it will take a longer time before it grows to maturity. Repot only when it becomes root-bound and apply fertilizer during the growing season.
Plumeria is an easy front-door plant and should be at the top of your list of tropical front-door plants to consider. It prefers full sun, well-draining potting mix, and consistent watering but allow the topsoil to dry out before watering next.

USDA hardiness zones 10-12 are ideal for Plumeria; protect your Plumeria against frost, and consider bringing it indoors during winter. To stimulate fast growth, fertilize during the growing season.
Dracaena Mahatma (Cordyline Terminalis Mahatma)
Dracaena Mahatma, also referred to as Dracaena reflexa or Dracaena marginata is a popular ornamental plant. Though popular as a houseplant, it can also grow well outdoors. Being a native to Madagascar, it prefers tropical and subtropic climatic conditions, USDA hardiness zones 10-11 should be ideal for Dracaena Mahatma.

Growing Dracaena Mahatma as a front-door plant requires bright indirect light and frequent watering but only when the top soil feels dry, and temperature levels 65 to 80°F (18°C to 27°C) should suffice. Dracaena Mahatma is not tolerant to frost or colder temperatures, so protect it from colder climatic conditions.
Pygmy Date Palm (phoenix roebelenii)
The Pygymy date palm does well outdoors and can be a great landscaping plant for your front porch. Especially when grown in a group of 2-3, it forms a desirable aesthetic in your outdoor spaces.

Growing to 10 ft (3m) tall Phoenix roebelenii is a dwarf palm that ought to be part of your front door tropical plants to consider for bringing a touch of greenery and elegance to your front door. USDA hardiness zones 10-11 are perfect for growing your Pygmy date palm, but if you reside in a colder region, consider growing it indoors.
Broadleaf Lady Palm (Rhapis Excelsa)
The Broadleaf lady palm scientifically known as the Rhapus excelsa is alluring fan-shaped foliage and its adaptability to both outdoor and indoor spaces depends on the USDA hardiness zones you reside in. Preferably, Rhapis excelsa thrives outdoors under USDA hardiness zones 10-11, anything lower than that, consider growing it indoors.

Bright indirect sunlight, watering consistently, and ensuring the temperatures range from 65 to 80°F (18°C to 27°C) because Broadleaf lady palms are intolerant to cooler temperatures.
Elephant Ear (Alocasia Calidora)
Known for its large, dramatic yet striking leaves, Alocasia calidora is an interesting tropical plant with a huge presence and a touch of greenery for your front door space.

Alocasia calidora is not a fussy tropical front door plant, with exposure to bright indirect light, consistent watering, and a temperature range of 65 to 80°F (18°C to 27°C) your Elephant Ear will thrive outdoors, painting your front door space, with the right amount of greenery beauty.
Bird's Nest Fern (Asplenium Nidus)
Bird's Nest Fern is a popular and sleek tropical plant with lush cascading fronds, Asplenium nidus should be included in your tropical front door plants list.

USDA hardiness zones 10-11 are ideal for Bird's Nest Fern optimal growth outdoors, with cooler temperatures being extremely detrimental to the plant's growth and survival outdoors. Exposure to bright indirect light is needed, with infrequent watering and growing in well-draining soil or potting mix if growing in a container.
Spindle Palm(Hyophorbe verschaffeltii)
Spindle Palm also known as Hyophorbe verschaffeltii or palmiste marron is an endangered flowering palm species in the family of Aracaea. Ideal for USDA hardiness zones 10-11, Spindle palms are so sensitive to colder temperatures.

In its natural habitat, the Spindle palm can grow to 6 meters high(20 ft) but intriguingly this beautiful palm with a striking and graceful trunk can be grown as a houseplant. However, its lush foliage and attractive trunk make it a perfect aesthetic for your front door space.
Philodendron bipinnatifidum
Philodendron bipinnatifidum also referred to as Thaumatophyllum Bipinnatifidum, Philodendron Selloum, Lacy Tree Philodendron, and Split Leaf Philodendron is a huge tropical plant with easily noticeable beauty and presence in any tropical garden.

Philodendron bipinnatifidum is ideal for a tropical garden or indoor space with enough space, given its size and how massive it can be. With its amazing, showy lush foliage, Philodendron bipinnatifidum can effortlessly create a tropical jungle in your garden.
Sundaville (Mandevilla)
Grown as an outdoor ornamental plant, Sundaville is a flowering tropical plant with beautiful trumpet-shaped blooms. Sundaville also known as Mandevilla grows well under USDA zones 9-11, with a temperature range of 70°F to 90°F (21°C to 32°C). This tropical front door plant is sensitive to cooler temperatures and especially frost.

When accorded the right care, including but not limited to consistent watering, exposure to bright indirect light, and pests and disease management. Sundaville will reward you with elegant blooms in a mix of pink and cream tones, making your tropical garden and front door a beauty galore.
Tropical Front Door Plants
The transformation of your front door space goes beyond the curb appeal which can be achieved by the incorporation of the above plants for the front door. It's about designing a warm and accommodating atmosphere, capable of transmitting positive energies to anyone who goes through the front of the space.
The above-mentioned front door plants will contribute immensely to a preferred appeal, balance, and harmony as emphasized by feng shui plant strategies. The flow of guests and productive energies through your front door will open an opportunity to experience the power of nature's beauty and balance.
Header image by Featured Image by @bloomseaseon_bs