Ranunculus Clooney White Add Soft Texture and Lasting Impressions to Arrangements

With its rose-like blossoms and layers of tissue-thin petals, the exquisite ranunculus Clooney White deserve to be a staple in high-end flower shops and wedding bouquets.

By: THURSD. | 24-03-2022 | 3 min read
header Add Soft Texture and Lasting Impressions to Arrangements With the Ranunculus Clooney White

If you've ever taken the time to learn more about individual flowers in an arrangement you've bought, there's a good chance ranunculus flowers were in them. They are one of the all-time favorite flowers and come in nearly every color of the rainbow. Ranunculus are often easier to come by than, for instance, peonies and combine with pretty much everything. Think of them as a great pair of jeans for your flower wardrobe - they are a staple for every florist. And if you think that wasn't enough, the Ranunculus Clooney White is even bigger and better than the standard varieties you might already know. 

Ranunculus Clooney White - A Staple for Every Florist?

Add soft texture and lasting impressions to bouquets and other floral arrangements with the Ranunculus Clooney White from Anton Spaargaren. These blooms are larger than the standard varieties, with delicate layers of stark-white petals that gradually unfurl from a tight, green-eyed center. The petals of this ranunculus are true white; creating a crisp, striking bloom that looks as stunning in a wedding bouquet as it does in a mono-bouquet at home. 


Images via @malva_flowers & @kukkaputiikki


A Lush, Romantic Appeal

The Ranunculus is a genus made up of almost 600 species of flowers that belong to the plant family known as Ranunculaceae. The flowers are often referred to as water crowfoots, buttercups, or spearworts and are easily identifiable as a result of their cup-like blossoms with a multitude of paper-thin petals. They have the same lush, romantic appeal as peonies, but the color choices are more extensive and unlike peonies, they are available year-round. 


Crisp-white Ranunculus Clooney White - on Thursd

Ranunculus Clooney White via @mimosablommor


Layers and Layers of Tissue-Thin Petals

The Ranunculus Clooney White looks almost too perfect to be real. With its rose-like blossoms and layers and layers of tissue-thin petals, the exquisite flowers of this ranunculus deserve to be a staple in high-end flower shops and wedding bouquets. Clooney White is characterized by a large flower head and heavy stems with a high petal count, giving you bang for your buck on top of an excellent vase life. 


Images via @narcyzpracowniaflorystyczna & @gmbgrow


Wait, is it Clooney or Cloni? 

The ranunculus Clooney series consists of many varieties in an abundance of shapes, sizes, and colors. Those of us who like to roam the markets (or the internet) looking for beautiful new varieties to use might have already spotted this ranunculus under the name 'Cloni'.

Is that the same variety? The answer: yes, it is. Same flower, different name. A likely explanation for this mix-up is that someone simply entered the wrong name into a database at some point and the name stuck. But the official name is ranunculus Clooney White, not Cloni - spelled the same as the last name of the charming actor that promotes those delicious small cups of coffee. 


George Clooney with Clooney instead of coffee

A little mnemonic from the Thursd editors to remember the correct name. 


Dazzle With Ranunculus Clooney White 

If you want to dazzle your customers with a beautiful crisp-white ranunculus that has a striking appearance, the ranunculus Clooney White is just what you need. An attractive shape complemented by a charming color. Perfect to use by itself in rustic-inspired arrangements, but looks just as good in classic wedding bouquets. Or pair with lush greenery for a more boho-chic look. Available at Anton Spaargaren

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