The distinct Japanese style and fashion are very popular in floriculture. Take, for instance, the natural and minimalistic art of Ikebana that has spread across the world. Japanese design is trendy! That is why wholesaler Van Vliet New York is holding the 2023 Japanese Flower Exhibition. Here is everything you need to know to enter this unique floral event.
Spontaneous Bloom at the Japanese Flower Exhibition
On March 13th and 14th, from 10:30 am to 2:30 pm you are welcome to visit the Van Vliet New York building on Long Island for the Japanese Flower Exhibition. In recognition of national women’s month, the exhibition features Aista from Aiku Floral and Pola Rebisz (in July 2021 the winner of the NYC Dare to Bloom competition) from Rosehip Floral, who display their latest work 'Spontaneous Bloom'.

Aista and Pola’s 'Spontaneous Bloom' is a celebration of the ever-changing seasons and is inspired by their appreciation of blooming branches, bursting petals, and reaching stems. This piece captures the ephemeral beauty of nature’s rebirth.
Tokushima Orchids
For this event, Aista and Pola work exclusively with Japanese flowers provided by the event's co-sponsor, the Naniwa Flower Auction.
Tokushima Prefecture and Nara Prefecture are also attending. Tokushima Prefecture answers any questions you have about their orchids, like cymbidiums, epidendrums, and lady slippers (cypripedium). Nara Prefecture answers any question you have about their branches.
Van Vliet New York
Van Vliet New York welcomes you to this year's exhibition. General Manager Elizabeth Lauriello comments:
"We are looking forward to seeing all our friends, new and old. Let us continue to inspire, learn and grow together because at Van Vliet it’s always more than just the flowers."

Getting There
The address for this event:
Van Vliet New York
38-16 Skillman Ave. (entrance on 39th Street)
Long Island City, NY 11101, USA