A vibrant palette of blue, purple, yellow, and white flowers. That is what irises collected in an arrangement or installation look like. Combine this color burst with the ongoing investigation of floral forms by a talented and highly praised artist and you get a journey through the evolution of the iris flower all in one. Let's talk about 'The iris'; a site-specific show by Rebecca Louise Law.

The Iris as Ephemeral Art
Law is a London-based installation artist and is praised in the floral and art world because she radiates an original and organic oeuvre. Using natural materials, Law crafts pieces that celebrate the environment and highlight its inherently ever-changing nature. Each installation celebrates a different flower. With an exhibition titled 'the Iris', you don't need to guess which colorful beauty is acclaimed.
10,000 Freshly-Cut Suspended Flowers
'The Iris’ continues Law’s ongoing investigation of floral forms and their gradual evolution through the stages of beauty and decay. This creates a vibrant palette of blue, purple, yellow, and white flowers within the gallery, drawing nature into the site.
Law argues:
"I like to capture and cherish small beautiful natural objects to create an artwork that can be observed without the pressure of time; preserving, treasuring, celebrating, and sharing the beauty of the earth with the world is what drives me."
Law looked at biological facets and the history of the site on which NOW gallery sits and chose the iris flower for her exhibition. The iris is a springtime flower, originating as a wetland species in the UK. Her exhibition shows the striking features and native qualities of the flower. By bringing a bit of nature inside, Law hopes to make connections between both man and nature and the past and present.
The Evolution of Fresh Blooms to Dried Flowers
In her installations, Law likes to capture and cherish small beautiful natural objects. Through the passing of time, viewers can observe the process of preservation and the artist’s ongoing exploration of ephemerality. The iris hangs poetically from the ceiling in an unpredictable and sculptural way. It evolves from fresh blooms to hanging dried flowers.