The Versatile Kalanchoe: A Timeless Classic

Explore the Unique Shapes, Textures, and Colors of The Kalanchoe.

By: THURSD. | 18-03-2025 | 4 min read
Indoor Plants
Winco Holland assortment of cacti and succulents

Round shapes, fluffy leaves, and uncommon edges - nothing is more versatile than the Kalanchoe. This flower, a timeless classic, is primarily recognized for its small and bright-colored flowers. But did you know that some varieties of this plant are even more remarkable without their blooms? These plants have great ornamental value due to their drawn leaves. Dive into the world of Kalanchoe and let its rich diversity awaken your senses.

Plants With Style

At Winco Holland, you'll discover stylish succulents and cacti in their unique form. These natural varieties are contemporary and more popular than ever. Perfect for enthusiasts, stylists, and retailers of today. If you think all varieties have already been discovered, Winco Holland will continue to surprise you.


Winco Holland assortment succulents and cacti
Winco Holland's assortment succulents and cacti


The Kalanchoes from this high-end supplier consistently exceed expectations with their offerings. They provide hundreds of plant varieties in multiple sizes with great care and dedication. Among these unique species is the beloved Kalanchoe, which showcases remarkable diversity in its forms. These plants change in appearance day and night, exhibiting different shapes, textures, and colors, making the selection incredibly versatile.

With all their unique variations, Kalanchoes can continually inspire you. What you consider the most beautiful variety is completely up to you. There’s truly something for everyone. Fortunately, you don’t have to choose just one; you can perfectly combine your favorites! By mixing different textures in a large bouquet or displaying them separately in various pots, they offer the possibility of many exciting arrangements.


Winco Holland bouquet with Hanneke Frankema
Bouquet by floral designer Hanneke Frankema containing Kalanchoe


A Welcome Summer Guest

As summer approaches, we are all eager for the warm sun and so are the plants. The Kalanchoe flourishes indoors as a houseplant but it also thrives outdoors, as long as it is not exposed to direct sunlight. This makes it a captivating centerpiece for your outdoor table and an excellent choice for various festive occasions. When the days are longer and the nights shorter, it enjoys being outdoors, blooming with even greater vigor than when kept inside.

Many types of Kalanchoe will steal your heart. From round to triangular shapes, and from smooth to soft textures, velvet-like leaves that invite touch, all the different species share a common trait: unique, rich textures that are sure to stimulate your senses. We have selected a few stunning varieties that showcase their diversity. Which one is your favorite? 

Kalanchoe Maltese Cross

Kalanchoe 'Maltese Cross' features wavy leaves, some of which develop a bronze-brown hue.


Kalanchoe Maltese Cross
Kalanchoe Maltese Cross


Kalanchoe Orgyalis

The top of the oval-shaped leaves in bronze and covered with a 'furry' texture, while the underside showcases a silver-gray color.


Kalanchoe Orgyalis
Kalanchoe orgyalis


Kalanchoe Oricula

Kalanchoe oricula has a distinctive shape, with the edges of its leaves curling. The leaves are greenish-gray, with red edges and tops. When exposed to sunlight, the entire leaf can even turn red.


Kalanchoe Oricula
Kalanchoe oricula


Kalanchoe Thyrsiflora Variegata

Kalanchoe Variegata is a striking succulent with green and cream-colored leaves that turn red or pink in bright sunlight.


Kalanchoe Thyrsiflora Variegata
Kalanchoe thyrsiflora Variegata


Kalanchoe Synsepala

Kalanchoe synsepala features gray-green leaves adorned with pink-purple edges.


Kalanchoe synsepala
Kalanchoe synsepala


A Guide to Maintaining the Beauty of Your Beloved Plant

No 'green fingers'? No problem! This succulent is easy to care for. To keep your plant looking just as beautiful after you’ve fallen in love with it, here are some care tips:

Place the plant in a luminous spot. Water only when the top layer of soil has dried out since Kalanchoe does not like "wet feet," especially in the winter when it requires less water. The ideal temperature is between 18°C (65°F) and  23°C (75°F), and the plant does not require high humidity. Use well-draining potting soil, preferably a mix designed for succulents or cacti, to allow excess moisture to escape.

During the growing season in spring and summer, you can feed it diluted cactus or succulent fertilizer every few weeks, while additional feeding in the fall and winter is usually unnecessary. Regularly remove dead or wilted leaves to keep the plant healthy and encourage the growth of new leaves. Change the pot of the Kalanchoe every couple of years or when it becomes too large for its pot, to give the roots more space and refresh the soil. By following these tips, your Kalanchoe will remain healthy and attractive.


 Arjen de Mare from Winco Holland in greenhouse with Succulents
 Arjen de Mare from Winco Holland in greenhouse with succulents


Winco Holland

Winco Holland began importing cacti from the United States in 1995, to serve the European and Chinese markets. In recent years, the company has increasingly focused on the production and processing of various succulent species. In 2003, Winco established a partnership with Plantas Succulentas S.L. in Spain, ensuring a supply of high-quality succulents.

With over 600 different species and pot sizes ranging from 3.5 cm to 30 cm, Winco Holland boasts a wide assortment of succulents and cacti. This company is constantly searching for exceptional plants to further expand its current collection.



 Banner Winco Holland Bart Arjen

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