Zabo Plant Opens This Year's Dutch Lily Days (4-7 June 2024)

This lily exporter celebrates its 40th anniversary at this unique meeting place for breeders, growers, and trade companies.

By: THURSD. | 17-04-2024 | 5 min read
Floral Events
Zabo Plant Dutch Lily Days header on Thursd

From Tuesday to Friday, 4 to 7 June 2024, the annual Dutch Lily Days are being held. This is a unique meeting place for breeders, growers, and trade companies. It’s the perfect moment to chat and brainstorm about the topic of lilies in the broadest sense of the word. The official opening of the Dutch Lily Days 2024 is planned for June 4 at Zabo Plant, a prominent exporter that is celebrating its 40th anniversary this year.

Dutch Lily Days

This June, the annual event is already being held for the 12th time. The thousands of visitors, both national and international, keep proving that the event meets a clear need. Many developments are going on in lily land, and the Dutch Lily Days are an excellent opportunity to obtain a good perspective on the latest insights and meet the most important parties in just a few days.

This year, thirteen companies are participating in this colorful event. Topics that will undoubtedly come up for discussion include the trends in the assortment, the focus on more resistant varieties, and the entrance of pollen-free lilies. And of course, the Dutch Lily Days will be a showplace for launching various innovations.


Zabo Plant Dutch Lily Days quote on Thursd


Lily Looks at Zabo Plant


40th Anniversary of Zabo Plant

On the 4th of June, Zabo Plant is thrilled to organize the opening of the Dutch Lily Days in honor of its 40th anniversary. This exporter of the stunning Roselily (the beautiful double-flowered and pollen-free Oriental Lilies) and Lily Looks (number 1 worldwide in pot lilies) has all reasons to be proud of its past and present, and confident in its future

Therefore, it's time to look back on a rich history of passion and dedication to the lily industry, and Zabo is excited to celebrate this milestone with you.

However, its mission goes further than just celebrating this anniversary. The overarching theme of the opening is to briefly highlight each link. Zabo Plant believes it is crucial to understand and appreciate every link in the production chain, from the very beginning to the final presentation of their beautiful lilies. This approach allows this exporter to understand the needs at the end of the chain and provide valuable insights to those at the beginning.


Yellow lilies showcase at Dutch Lily Days


Share the Passion for Lilies Together

But that is not everything! The people of Zabo Plant will do everything they can to put on an impressive aesthetic flower show, focusing on the beauty of their lilies. The main language of the event is English, so they specifically welcome an international audience to share their passion for lilies together.

In previous years informative sessions and flower shows at Zabo Plant were worlds apart, but this year they are changing this, due to the happy circumstances of the jubilee. Zabo Plant wants to take everyone on an exciting journey, so forget about long, tiring stories and chairs in a church setup. Instead, you will get short, catchy messages that you can pick up quickly. After each speaker, you will have a chance to evaluate what you heard and make room for the next wave of information.


Dutch Lily Days at Van den Bos Flowerbulbs


Everything is set to make these Dutch Lily Days a vibrant spectacle of inspiration and knowledge sharing! Starting at Zabo Plant, of course...

When, What, Where?

The Date is set: June 4th you will be at Zabo Plant, right? So what's in store? Check this out:


Dutch Lily Days yellow lilies photographer


During the full event of the Dutch Lily Days, from 4 to 7 June 2024, these are roughly the daily activities:


Visitors at Dutch Lily Days


The address for the big event on day one of Dutch Lily Days is:

Zabo Plant
Korte Belkmerweg 1-A
1756 CB 't Zand

This is about a one-hour drive by car from Amsterdam.


Dutch Lily Days at Zabo Plant


Welcome to Dutch Lily Days, Welcome to Zabo Plant!

If you plan to visit Zabo Plant for the Opening Event or on any of the other four Dutch Lily Days, pre-registering is not necessary, but feel free to inform your contact at Zabo Plant would be grateful if you could let them know if you intend to be part of their 40th anniversary celebration.Contact E-Commerce manager Dirk Scholten (


All photos by Dutch Lily Days and courtesy of Zabo Plant, unless otherwise noted.


Banner Zabo DLD Desktop

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