Bouquet OrcaGreens and OrcaExotics
Discover the Wealth of Colors Hidden Within Green I'm excited to share my latest creation with you—a bouquet that celebrates the natural beauty of greens and fillers from Adomex.
Slava Rosca
A Practical Approach to Floral Design With Coral Fern From year to year, I generate ideas, knowledge, and experience connected to floristry, and I share all of this with my students.
Floral Education Foliage
May 22 | 2 min read
Cape Mountain Flora Supplies South Africa’s Exotic Flowers to Adomex’s OrcaExotics Label
Cape Mountain Flora Delivers OrcaExotic Flowers and Cape Greens Unique floral plants that are native to the South African Mediterranean-type climate.
OrcaExotics Protea Cynaroides White
Adomex Introduces OrcaExotics Alongside OrcaGreen The addition of this exotic flowers brand provides a desirable quality option for florists.
Flowers Foliage
Nov 22 | 6 min read
Adomex Orca Re-branding feature on Thursd
Adomex Strengthens OrcaGreen Label With OrcaExotics and OrcaFloral Two new product lines and a new corporate identity, with the trusted Orca quality.
Flowers Foliage
Nov 02 | 3 min read
Yuverta's Robust Beauty by Noor Helmer
Protea Flower’s Robust Beauty Is a Floral Masterpiece An exotic flower that defies convention, doubling as both a stunning bouquet and an enchanting hanging sculpture.

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