Pink car made with AI
Thierry Lechanteur at the Intersection of Photography and Artificial Intelligence Who wouldn't want to actually live in a world where these photos exist? Check out this artist's AI designs, combining colors, figures, shapes, and florals!
Floral Art How It Works
Jan 08 | 3 min read
Forest Schools and Why They Matter So Much
Forest Schools - Why They Matter and Should Be Encouraged and Adopted Widely An alternative education model that takes place almost exclusively outdoors exposing learners to all there is to know about nature and the natural world.
Flowers in AI
Harnessing the Power of AI With Joann to Create Stunning Visuals You'll wish these pictures were real life because they take you to scenarios you would have never imagined.
How It Works Trending
Jun 26 | 2 min read
Self watering lamp by Moss
Moss' Self-Watering Lamps Can Grow Plants on Its Own Open minds, simple solutions. Igniting growth, inspiring change is what this company aims to do.
How It Works
Jun 26 | 2 min read
AI's Green Insights: Envisioning Tomorrow's Gardening Trends
AI’s Predictive Insights Forecasting Future Gardening Trends How accurate are these predictions, and what could they mean for people and the concept of gardening?
Light Bio’s Bioluminescent Firefly Petunias That Glow in the Dark
Glowing Petunias? Bioluminescence Technology Makes Them a Reality People are fascinated with luminous plants, and science now reveals how to make them (even brighter).
10 Questions to Anuja Joshi, the Co-founder and CEO of Interflora India
10 Questions to Anuja Joshi, the Co-founder and CEO of Interflora India "In India, flowers traditionally symbolize more than a simple adornment; they are integral to auspicious occasions."
best plant apps
The 10 Best Apps for Identifying Plants and Flowers Are you feeling kind of confused as to what plant and flowers you encounter daily and don't really know what varieties they are? These apps will help you.
How It Works
Jan 24 | 5 min read
Jonas Peterson's Botanical Splendor Through AI-Generated Floral Art
Jonas Peterson Showcases Botanical Splendor Through AI-Generated Floral Art Artistic masterpieces that blur the line between nature and technology.
Dubai's Floranow Marketplace wants to revolutionize the floral industry with technology and innovation.
Dubai's Floranow Wants to Revolutionize the Flower Industry This online flower platform seeks to change the global marketplace through innovative technologies.
Cut Flowers Flowers
Nov 01 | 7 min read
3D-Printed Plant Sculptures Act as Air Purifiers The 'Pure Plants' was one of the most innovative projects seen at the Milan Design Week. You cannot miss out on seeing it!
How It Works Remarkable
Aug 16 | 3 min read
AI design by Emilio Alarcon
AI Mobile Greenhouse Buses by Emilio Alarcon Redefine Intercity Mobility These mobile green spaces can also function as mini-parks, offering a more pleasant and natural environment for passengers and pedestrians.
Jul 12 | 3 min read

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