Flowers are fresh and beautiful for home decor or sending a gift to loved ones. And this has been a practice from very early times. Beautiful blooms are a source of joy for all. Flowers are a natural beauty that everyone admires forever, and they also have a positive impact on our moods. It is proved b a scientific study published in Sage journal with the title of “An Environmental Approach to Positive Emotions: Flower”
The Top 5 Flower Trends

1. Dried Flowers
Dried flowers are also called potpourri. These are dried flowers that are placed in the decorative bowls in the interiors of the house. The dried blooms are fragrant and provide a natural scent to the surrounding environment. Dried flowers were trendy in 1980; people used to store them because they do not have easy accessibility sometimes to make a purchase. In the present day, they are used as a stylish decoration piece and a source of natural scent.
2. Personalization
Previously the flower bouquets were generally purchased by the customers, but now they are more cautious in buying patterns to choose themselves what they want. The buyers demand the color, fragrance, and design of the bouquet should get personalized to their needs. The knowledge about flowers is increasing among the people, and with growing awareness, they are making their own choices based on the look and fragrance of the flowers.
It is one of the 5 trends expected to surge in 2021; people will be more bespoke while making purchases and buy meaningful flowers for themselves and their loved ones. And this is because every individual has a different choice.

3. Flower Subscriptions
There are several businesses online that are offering flower subscriptions to flower lovers. People get a weekly or monthly delivery of the flowers by the organization at their residential places. There are beautiful fresh blooming flowers arranged in elegant vases or bouquets. Buyers prefer subscriptions to save their time, as they are delivered to their homes. No one needs to go to the market regularly.
Customers give the preferences about what they desire and how many times a week or month, based on the requirements florists send flowers to the subscribers. The trend has increased in 2021. The COVID-19 has contributed to enhancing these subscriptions.
4. Sustainable purchase Pattern
Sustainability is the topic of interest in the present situation. People are more concerned about reducing the footprint of their activities in the environment. The customers more prefer the florists that offer sustainable flowers. The sustainable floral business gets more promotion in the market place.
Sustainable flowers are produced wisely by conserving the resources utilized. Skipping the practice of single-use plastic bags for packaging.

5. Minimalist Design
People have always adored simplicity in design. Minimalist design is one of the 5 flower trends expected to surge in 2021. Minimalist designs are more decent, and people find them to have a more soothing impact on the eyes. It is one of the most preferred floral design for weddings. Ethereal minimalism, white wildflowers, green foliage runner, single white florals, are few minimalist designs that are trending.