The annual flower exhibition FlowersExpo Moscow took place this year from 10-12 September. The event was described by the organizers as "the international exhibition of flowers plants machinery and technology for floriculture and landscape design FlowersExpo 2024". This is a somewhat broader view of the sector than in previous editions.
Participants From Twelve Countries
Previously, many Dutch companies visited FlowersExpo Moscow, but now, between companies from Russia, Kazakhstan, China, India, Ecuador, Belarus, Colombia, and Kenya, the list of participants includes only a few companies from the Netherlands. Companies from twelve different countries participated in the fair.

For many years, I successfully organized events for my clients at FlowersExpo Moscow. Since 2022, unfortunately, this is no longer possible. But I am still in good contact with many people who know this exhibition well, as an organizer, participant, or visitor and partly because of what I have heard from them, I can share with you some impressions about this Russian fair.
Impressions From FlowersExpo 2024
The area of the event—which was once again organized in the large Crocus-Expo complex in Moscow—was larger than in previous years, but the number of participants was not greater. I understand there were about 10,000 visitors in total, from specialists to cut flower enthusiasts.
At the opening of the fair, much attention was focused on Ecuador. This country is increasingly mentioned as one of the main suppliers of cut flowers for Russia. Russian import and export figures are not always available, and certainly not always reliable, but Ecuador is frequently mentioned as an important partner for Russia in cut flowers.
Sustainability is also gaining traction in Russia. At FlowersExpo Moscow 2024, this was visible in the Landscape and Ecology department, among others.
Developing Without Western Europe
Not only does this expo continue to develop even without major support from companies from Western Europe and the UK, but the market in Russia for flowers, plants, flower bulbs, and other products from the horticulture sector is also developing in its own way. Many more Russian companies are becoming active in this market. From growers to traders and florists. New partners from countries other than Western European countries are cooperating with Russian companies.
How this will develop in the coming years is difficult to indicate. How will cooperation between countries around the world develop? And above all, how will Russia's economy and prosperity develop? It is for sure not certain that all this will look rosy.
I do know that I have enjoyed, and successfully worked at and with FlowersExpo Moscow in the past, and I hope to do so again one day.
Photos from previous editions of FlowersExpo Moscow by Sobolj / Flower Experience.