King Protea White

Bigger and bolder than your traditional flower

By: THURSD. | 13-02-2020 | 3 min read
How lovely to see that you’ve taken some time to appear by audience with me. My name is King Protea White, at your service. What do you think of my presentation on pink today? A rather fashionable yet colorful combination, don’t you think? Bright shiny petals, soft romantic background – hubba hubba! Why don’t we skip the small talk and go straight ahead to the formalities. My roots are from South Africa, from the Suikerbos family. Other relatives are more ‘down under’ minded, but my family-bunch first ‘bouched out’ in the South African fynbos area. In the beautiful surroundings of the Floraregion of the Cape lies this protected UNESCO region between the Western Cape and Eastern Cape. That’s where we Proteaceae reign.   White King Protea blog on Thursd Quote White King Protea   Protea white king product on Thursd featured   Let me take you back to a typical morning routine back home at my premises. It’s 6 am in the fynbos area and the sunbirds dance on my leaves this morning.. I’m relaxed, utterly calm and slightly excited at the same time. Today I’ve reached my 2 meters, a personal record in maximum length in our shrub over the last few years. Which means, we’ll be travelling out today! A new surrounding; promised to be warm and glamourous, just how I like my royal leaves to be treated. We South African Proteas are known for a few qualities, let’s say pretty awesome characteristics, in my humble opinion. Here we go. One; our charming accent which makes you wake up happy every morning. Two; we symbolize change and transformation through cultures, which is  - being the South African national flower - in combination with our historical diverse background, a pretty awesome power. I mean, what’s in a name right? Three; we have a warm fuzzy heart framed with a more feisty personality (i.e. petal-situation) which gives us a sturdy and strong look worth fawning over. Four; we also thrive in exposed positions with poor soils, just saying. Are you swooning over yet?   [video width="1920" height="1080" mp4=""][/video]     White King Protea blog on Thursd Quote bigger White King Protea     King Protea White product highlight featured   We skip ahead to my current situation. In a beautiful trendy vase from a fancy American essential supplier, I doze off in this semi-sunlight in which I settle nowadays. Goodbye African burning sun but hello decent warm climate – thank you global warming. But how do we make sure that we both get what we need in this new-found relationship? To enjoy a healthy and neat Protea such as myself for a long time, you will have to know some of these basics: Looking for some extra credits on my side? Put me in a surrounding with a nice backdrop – a pink one or so.. and I will thrive like no king flower has ever done before, in your modern yet slightly artistic vase.   Sincerely, Your Royal Protea White Highness.
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