Pussy Willow as Bridal Bouquet

This kind of design takes many hours of preparation but when it's done it gives huge fulfillment.

By: VIRVE HOLM | 22-05-2024 | 3 min read
Wedding Flowers Floral Designs
Pussy Willow as Bridal Bouquet

This waterfall shower bouquet was photographed near Tartu, Estonia, in a small town in springtime years ago. The bridal bouquet was tied brilliantly creative with lines of wired pussy willow catkins, crystal glass pearls, and snowdrops. I started picking up and binding willow catkins in the winter, which took a tremendous amount of time. About six months. A few hours each day. One could say that you gotta be slightly crazy to do something like this.

Brilliantly Creative With Pussy Willow

It's a similar feeling when one is sewing a wool shirt; thoughts just come and go. I planned the shooting of the bridal bouquet for spring because one has to wait for the snowdrops (botanical: Galanthus) to bloom when staying in your childhood home garden. I recommend binding snowdrops near the wedding event or any photo shooting project because of the lifespan of the plant.



Royal Wedding Flowers by Virve Holm With Pussy Willow Catkins
Model: Greete Ruutma, Photographer: Betti Säre, MUAH: Anni Hallik MUA


Prepping for the Photoshoot

When I began prepping the photoshoot, simultaneously Anni Hallik was doing make-up for the bride as I was binding snowdrops hastily and my mother was ironing the wedding dress, which had wrinkles all over. This photoshoot was voluntary and luckily I was able to gather all skillful people for it and for that I am extremely grateful. The model was my ex-schoolmate Greete Ruutma playing the bride's part. She did an excellent job. Surely it was natural for her as she has a professional opera singer background.


Prepwork Willow Catkins for Bridal Bouquet on Thursd


The Venue for the Photoshoot

The first photos were taken in the field in springtime but suddenly it occurred to me that we should shoot at Tartu railway station. There you can see rare and beautiful wood architecture that blends brilliantly with the whole.


Bridal bouquet Virve Holm on Thursd


The Story Continues

Then all five of us ladies with our huge bags stuffed into the car like in the movie Runaway Bride. In the backseat sat the silent bride, who, a couple of years later, got married. As we got to the railway station photographer Betti Säre prepped the scene and quickly began doing her magic. As soon as I heard the clicking sounds of the camera, I felt happy and free for I knew that my part was done. All the hard work will eventually reward one and it gives back to you tenfold.


Virve Holm's Bridal Design With Willow Catkins on Thursd


Facts About Pussy Willow


If you like to see more from me, you can follow me on TikTok @virvendis.

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Virve Holm

I am a Finnish florist at Pukinmäen puutarha oy in Helsinki.

I have achieved a master class in flower arranging and I am happy to share my knowledge and give my ideas and inspiration for your flower arrangements. I also love to paint flowers and make art related to flowers.

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