Spring Opulence

This is my expressive Red Tacazzi+ bouquet with large blossom branches

By: ROAN AARTS | 21-04-2021 | 1 min read
Floral Designs Roses

I was asked to make a design with this new African Rose Red Tacazzi+ from breeder Dümmen Orange, and grown by Holla Roses. There were no conditions, no restrictions; I could do as I please. For this, my initial idea was to make an expressive bouquet with large blossom branches and other beautiful branches. As a result of which all attention goes to the roses. And you get a powerful promotional image. So this is what I made for your viewing pleasure.

Seductive Spring Muse

Lush roses with the elegant blossom of the magnolia make for a seductive spring muse. A large vase with roses and blossoms in different heights provides a surprising image, but also a small vase with a compact bouquet that radiates power. Or a combination of these.  

A Wonderful Home Perfume

In addition to a special color combination of red and pink, these bouquets together form a wonderful home perfume of red roses and superb magnolia.  

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Roan Aarts

Roan Aarts studied Bloem, Groen & Styling (Flower, Green & Styling) at MBO Helicon Den Bosch, Netherlands. Currently, he is the creative director at Roan Aarts Flowercouture. Keywords to describe his motivation and works are Muse, Opulence, and Floral Handcrafted Design.

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