10 Questions to Craig Musson, the Founder and Owner of Wafex

"The flower industry is a 7-day-a-week, 24-hour-a-day emotional investment so it's critical to stay mentally and physically fit."

By: THURSD. | 29-01-2025 | 8 min read
10 Questions to

For more than thirty years, Craig Musson has contributed immensely to the world of flowers and is still going strong. Through the 10 questions this week on Thursd, he details how he has built a business with a presence on four continents.

His passion and continuous innovation have led to tremendous growth and success in the Wafex brand. He is optimistic that, with the company now vertically integrated, it is well-positioned to compete effectively. Read his story below to learn more.

Question 1

For those who don’t know you, who are you, and what do you do?

"My name is Craig Musson. I am the founder and owner of Wafex which I started in 1991. Wafex is an international, family-owned business with offices in Perth, Melbourne, Brisbane, USA, Kenya, and Ecuador employing 200 staff across 4 continents. We are also now a vertically integrated business with a Waxflower breeding business called Helix, our farms in Australia, and business units covering importing, exporting, wholesaling, supermarket bouquet production, and retail via our online business. I have a son and daughter in the business although my daughter lives and works in the UK."


10 Questions to
Craig Musson


Question 2

What is so special about your job?

"The flower business is a relationship business. There are no contracts, we do business with people we like and who like to do business with us. This is special and unique to the flower business. Business associates become friends and family. We are also essentially hard-working, small businesses often owned by families with a passion for flowers.

Flowers bring joy and happiness across the world and connect people which was never more evident than during Covid. We often forget this is when we are dealing with airlines, weather impacts, freight offloads, and quarantine issues. I am inspired by the people I get to work with who display passion and a commitment to our growers and customers."


10 Questions to
Craig Musson with team Wafex Kenya during IFTEX 2024


Question 3

Are there any specific challenges or obstacles you’ve faced at work, and how did you overcome them?

"About 8 years ago, we realized our business model of simply importing and exporting was no longer viable. We were building our customers' businesses to the stage where they could import or buy directly. Something had to change for us to survive in an era where distribution chains were getting shorter. This led us down the path of vertical integration, where we secured a position in all sectors of the value chain, from breeding through to online sales. This was a complicated and risky undertaking, and we have largely achieved our goal. It also led to us opening offices in Ecuador and Kenya, where we have wonderful teams in both branches."

Question 4

What are the threats in the industry, and if so, do you have any solutions for them?

"I travel extensively and it seems we are all challenged by stubborn freight rates which have not returned to normal after Covid and increasing competition with sluggish demand. In Australia, we are still paying USD$6-$8/kg from some of our key source countries. We also see that air freight from Temu/Alibaba/Amazon and other online purchases in and out of China are offering more attractive freight rates to airlines than Flowers.


10 Questions to
Craig Musson with his family during last year's holiday


In Australia, cost of living pressures have seen flower consumption decline and we have some of the highest labor rates in the world so costs are rising and sales prices are declining. Whilst Australia is too far from most producing countries and our market is too small for sea freight, I hope the technology continues to develop so that more can be shipped by sea to take demand off airfreight. We need more flower promotions such as That Flower Feeling in the USA to create demand for flowers. I loved the Bloembureau Dutch promotion in 2018 called “We Need More Flowers”

Question 5

How has technology like e-commerce platforms or digital marketing affected your industry, which strategies have you employed to stay competitive?

"COVID-19 showed the impact that online purchases have on our industry in a very positive way. I strongly believe online platforms for both B2B and B2C will be essential in the future. We have introduced a live webshop into our wholesale business. The B2B trading will take some time as florist habits take time to change, however as younger florists come into the industry, they will be less willing to travel to market at 4 am and more inclined to buy online.


10 Questions to
Craig Musson with Kenyan Export Manager Claris Wanjohi


The B2C online companies are seeing excellent growth despite coming back off Covid levels. This trend will continue to see growth although the sector will become more competitive. Companies will also need to wean themselves off the cost of Google and other search engines so companies strong in marketing will be the long-term winners in this space."

Question 6

Who (in or outside the floral industry) is an inspiring example to you? And Why?

"I have never had the opportunity to work for anyone except for a short stint with my father-in-law growing flowers in Zimbabwe. He was my first mentor and I learned a lot from him. I have always sought knowledge and insights through personal and professional development. I learned a lot through my involvement in a business group called The Executive Connection (Vistage in the USA) where I was a member for over 10 years.

I draw a lot of parallels with business through a lifelong involvement in sports. I get to work with my kids and my family, this is a constant source of inspiration for me and a reminder to never give up when things get tough."


10 Questions to
Craig Musson with his family


Question 7

How do you handle stress or difficult moments in your life?

"Our Dutch consultants told me when I first entered the industry as a 21-year-old in Zimbabwe, that if I survived 7 years in the flower industry I would either be an alcoholic or divorced! Luckily, I am neither although some Valentine's and Mother's Day have tested the first one. The flower industry is a 7-day-a-week, 24-hour-a-day emotional investment so it's critical to stay mentally and physically fit. I cycle, box, and do Pilates weekly and practice Mindfulness daily before I go to work.

Being a Cancerian I feel relaxed around water so I find time to spend near the sea where I swim whenever I can. I also feel it is important to take regular holidays to get away from the business. I am very lucky to have a team around me that I trust completely which allows me to fully disconnect when I am away."


10 Questions to


Question 8

What has been the best (floral or non-floral) news for you lately, or of the last year?

"Having just returned from the Middle East visiting our wonderful clients there I was encouraged to see the growth in this region. Hopefully, a lasting peace in the Middle East will see freedom and development return which will be good for the flower industry. Saudi Arabia opening itself to investment and modernizing its economy and the positive feedback from our customers regarding our teams in Australia, Ecuador, and Kenya has by far been the best news for some time."

Question 9

Which is your favorite flower/plant and why is it good for you?

"It would have to be a Waxflower. This flower is native to Western Australia where I live. It’s a desert flower and in 2008 we started a breeding business called Helix Australia.We license growers around the world and we are the global leaders in Waxflower breeding now. We have a pipeline of new varieties for our growers which stretches into the future. Waxflower is a perennial plant that flowers in the Southern Hemisphere between June and December."


10 Questions to
Craig Musson harvesting Waxflowers Sarah's Delight and Moonlight Delight back in 2008.


Question 10

What are you doing this weekend?

"It is summer in Australia so we have a hot weekend ahead. It is also the Australia Day long weekend. We have two Golden Retrievers who love swimming in the sea so we will take them down for a swim. It is also the world Seven Aside Rugby tournament being hosted in Perth and as a massive rugby fan, I will go to the final day on Sunday. Michelle and I have recently purchased E-Bikes and are planning a long ride through the hills of Perth with perhaps a few stops at pubs along the way.


10 Questions to
The Golden Retrievers, Murphy and Huxley


We are putting on a small dinner for a good friend's Birthday. With Valentine's Day shipping also starting this weekend I will be close to my phone and email of course! So, a lovely mix of friends, sport, exercise, and relaxation with a bit of work as well. Wishing everyone a safe and happy 2025 and a successful Valentine's Day."


All pictures courtesy of Craig Musson.

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