Agrivaldani Is Getting Ready for Valentine’s Day

Valentine's season is a real hustle in the flower industry and here is how this floral business thrives 100% during this special holiday.

By: THURSD. | 26-01-2023 | 4 min read
Interviews Valentine
Agrivaldani Is Getting Ready for Valentine’s Day - Thursd Article - Header Image

In a recent interview with Ecuadorian flower company Agrivaldani, family owners of this incredible business were able to share their full-on experience on how they get ready for Valentine's Day. Considering it is one of the busiest seasons for the floral industry, Agrivaldani is rocking its logistical processes and exporting lots of love through its top-quality flowers.

Agrivaldani Is More Than Ready for Valentine’s Day and Here’s What to Know About Them

First and foremost, knowing the DNA of a floral business is crucial to know where they come from and how they manage their company. In the case of Agrivaldani, they shared their story, logistical processes, and how challenging but rewarding Valentine's season is for them because, at the end of the day, they want all their clients to receive love through their blooms.


Agrivaldani farms in Ecuador


Q: Tell us more about Agrivaldani. When was this floral business born, what is the background of Agrivaldani, and where you are located?

"Agrivaldani was officially born a little over 15 years ago, but our family has been in the floral industry for 30 years. We are located in Tabacundo, Ecuador, and are a medium-sized farm with 18Ha. Our farm was mainly roses for many years but three years ago we decided to diversify and start producing summer flowers too."


Agrivaldani spray roses


Agrivaldani’s Added Value to the Industry

Q: What differentiates Agrivaldani in the flower industry?

"As a new and young team, we are constantly innovating and looking for ways to be more original. We have many products we can offer our clients like roses, spray roses, limonium, craspedia, alstroemeria, sunflowers, hyperiucum, and a wide range of tinted products."


Agrivaldanis craspedia for Valentines Day
Craspedias for Valentine


Valentine's Season Has Arrived At Agrivaldani

Q: As we all know, January is a very busy month for all flower businesses because of Valentine’s Day. Can you tell us when Agrivaldani starts their Valentine’s processes for the big day?

"Like many farms, our process begins months before. We start prepping our fields in order to supply our clients with top-quality products. As we strive to provide our clients with the best quality, we work closely with High Control Consulting to look for ways to keep improving and innovating. Given that Valentine’s is a very important season, our Art Studio also launches collections of summer flowers, roses, and handmade ARTisanal Roses."


Agrivaldanis rose collection for Valentines Day


Agrivaldani's Valentine's Day Logistics

Q: What is the logistical process behind Valentine’s Day at Agrivaldani? What does a regular day look like for you during Valentine’s season?

"From our sales team to our farm team, we all have non-stop days. We are all in a full-on Valentine’s mood coordinating orders with our clients and with our farm. This means checking with each other constantly on how the orders are going and also keeping in close contact with our clients so they are also informed on the status of their flowers."


Valentines Day logistics at Agrivaldani
Limonium Saphora Oshi Pink


Flower Business Essentials for Valentine’s Day

Q: What is the most important factor to take into account as a flower business for Valentine’s Day?

"First of all, it's important to know that the demand is very unpredictable during this season. On the other hand, weather conditions can severely affect shipments, reason why good communication between our team to ensure orders are perfect is extremely essential."

Agrivaldani’s Rose Production for the Most Loving Season of the Year

Q: How many roses are grown and approximately exported for this season?

"Last year, our industry exported 20,000 tons of roses. 2022 was a very good year for the farms during this season."


Agrivaldani gets prepared like this for Valentines day


Love for Every Type of Rose Variety

Q: What are the best-selling rose varieties for Valentine’s Day?

"The best-selling rose varieties are by far the red ones. At our farm, we have Freedom and Explorer. Our tinted roses also do great during V-DAY! It is hard to say we have a favorite rose because we look at them in a different way than other people. We love them all in many different ways."


Valentines Day collection by Agrivaldani


Valentine’s Day Is an Extremely Important Holiday for the Flower Business

Q: Would you consider Valentine’s Day to be the most important floral holiday for Agrivaldani? Why?

"It is definitely one of the most important floral holidays. Given that this business is seasonal, peak seasons are key to supporting us during lower seasons throughout the year. A great Valentine's Day season is an excellent way to start a new year at Agrivaldani."

Agrivaldani's Valentine's Message

Q: What is your message this year for other flower businesses for Valentine’s Day?

"We always wish our colleagues the best of luck during this season. It is always important to share the love with the best quality flowers from Ecuador."


Agrivaldanis loveliest tinted roses


To see more of the artistic floral work of Agrivaldani along with all their stupendous varieties, make sure to follow them on Instagram: @agrivaldani.ecuador

Photos courtesy of Agrivaldani.


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