Are Drafts Harming Your Houseplants? 7 Remedies

Protect houseplants from drafts - discover remedies for a thriving indoor garden.

By: THURSD | 28-02-2024 | 5 min read
Garden Plants Indoor Plants Outdoor Plants
Drafts Harming

Ever notice your houseplants looking a tad down in the dumps, even when you're on top of your watering game? Let's talk about the homegrown drama that could be playing out: drafts.

They might just be the invisible gremlins messing with your leafy companions. It's not all doom and gloom, though! We’ve dug up seven no-sweat fixes to shield your photosynthetic pals from those sneaky drafts. Hopefully, these tips will turn your plant’s frown upside down!

7 Remedies to Save Unhappy and Drafty House Plants

Struggling with droopy leaves and lackluster growth? Drafts could be the troublemakers! Buckle up for seven lifesaver tips to rescue your greenery from those pesky, plant-chilling breezes.


Happy family with plants
Picture by @Annushka Ahuja


Move Plants Away From the Front or Back Door

Got green friends getting chilly near the entrance? Time for some shuffling around! Your front or back door is like the grand central station of air traffic in your home – bad if you're a plant.

If you've got ferns, ficuses, or any other leafy pals lounging too close, they could be getting blitzed with gusts every time someone pops in or out. Avoid turning your plant nook into an overbearing wind tunnel exhibit by scooting them back to where drafts are less likely to play tag with their leaves. They'll thank you for it – with healthier growth and perky leaves, no doubt.

Caulk Around Drafty Windows (Or Replace Them)

Ever struggled with a biting draft ghosting through the edges of your windows? One word for you: caulk. This isn't just about keeping those delicate houseplants from quivering in the cold – it's about energy efficiency, too! But hey, it can be hard to know how much caulking you need.

And what if you need a more permanent fix than that to solve your plant's woes? Maybe you need to replace the window entirely! If that’s the case, you should call a local handyman.

Plus, if your handyman uses something like door and window estimating software, you’ll know exactly what it’ll cost you to swap out those drafty windows. Be sure to get estimates from more than one company so you can compare them and potentially save yourself some money!


lady seating next to plant
Picture by @Thirdman


Point Vents Away From Your Plants

Hey plant parents, heads-up: your home's vents could be the silent saboteurs of your indoor jungle. When that blast of air from the AC or heater is on a collision course with your botanical buddies, it’s like sticking them outside in a storm—they’re going to have a very bad time.

Your leafy loves prefer a gentle environment, not the gale-force winds of an HVAC system gone rogue on their green sprouts. So pivot those vent flaps elsewhere with a vent deflector and let your green crew bask in still air. They'll reward you with growth that's anything but stagnant!

Make Sure Your Appliances Aren’t Causing a Draft

If you're finding your lush plants wilting and there's no window open, your appliances might be the undercover culprits. You wouldn't believe it, but that old fridge or oven can throw off a sneaky draft colder than a polar bear's toenails. And you know that old gas stove you have? That can produce a really hot draft that would make the most resilient plant wilt, sadly.

Yeah, seriously! So take a solid minute, feel around for those frosty gusts or warm waves coming from your household helpers, and reposition your green buddies accordingly.

A strategic shift could mean dodging unintended breezes and keeping your indoor garden in tip-top shape all year round. Keep those drafts in check and watch your plant babies thrive.

Redirect the Drafts From Your Heater or AC

Heaters or ACs are total lifesavers for us humans but not so peachy for our potted pals. When that furnace firestorm or cool breeze is barreling straight to your plants, it's time to intervene.

Don't let them ride the temperature roller coaster. Instead, play air traffic controller and reroute those drafts. By adjusting air direction, you can steer clear of creating a mini eco-crisis in your own living room. It’s all about finding that sweet spot where your comfort doesn't throw off your plants' happy vibes. Keep those drafts in their lane, and harmony is restored!


relaxing mood with the plants
Picture by @Antoni Shkraba


Use a Radiator Box Cover 

Got a radiator that's cooking up a storm in your space? Plants getting too toasty for comfort? Enter the radiator box cover, the unsung hero of plant protection. Slapping one of these bad boys on does two things: it mutes the thermal shock and adds a touch of class to your decor.

It crafts this cozy pocket of air that keeps your green babies from turning into roasted veggies. A simple fix, really – like giving your plants their very own shield against those sizzling temps.

Keep Your Plant between 60 to 75°F

Get this: your botanical babies are pretty particular about their climate. Too hot or too cold, and you've got yourself a recipe for some unhappy chlorophyll-filled friends. Your mission? Keep the indoor mercury floating between a balmy 60 and 75°F—it’s the Goldilocks zone for houseplants.

In these cozy conditions, they can photosynthesize in peace without the stress of shivering roots or wilting leaves. Routine check-ups on your thermostat can go a long way in fostering a nurturing habitat where your plants can kick back, relax, and grow like nobody’s business.

In Conclusion

Alright, green thumbs and newbie plant enthusiasts alike, it's time to turn that draft dilemma around! Give these tricks a go and watch your botanical buddies bounce back from the brink. Remember, every gust of wind is a chance to up your plant-parenting game. So try some of our tips and make sure your leafy loved ones are living their best life, free from the chills.


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