This one is for the true, hardcore Monstera lovers and avid plant parents only! Monstera obliqua is one of the rarest - and most demanding - monstera varieties out there and it's an expensive challenge only the most passionate plant parents attempt. If you're absolutely serious about getting one of these stunning houseplants, here are a few things you want to know about the Monstera obliqua.
The Monstera Obliqua Is Only for the Hardcore Fans
Are you dreaming of having a Monstera obliqua to add to your plant collection? Then maybe first you'll need to understand how to take care of it. Every plant has its own style of growing and care requirements, so we'll be looking at what the Monstera obliqua needs to thrive. Keep reading to find out more.

Photo by @araceae_
The Monstera Genus
The genus Monstera is made up of about 48 flowering plant species. There are many different Monstera varieties. The Latin word 'Monstera', which means ‘abnormal', inspired these tropical American indigenous names. The name 'Monstera' originated from the Latin word 'monstrum', which means uncommon or unusual. Of the Monstera obliqua, there are many different sub-species, like the Monstera obliqua Peru, Monstera obliqua cf Pangui, Monstera obliqua Amazonas, and Monstera obliqua Bolivia.
1) Monstera Obliqua Peru
The type most people think of by naming Monstera obliqua is the ‘Peru’. Or Monstera obliqua Peruviana. This is the one with heavy fenestration; it is the only one that is popular in cultivation due to its many holes.

The Monstera obliqua Peru has a special appearance with its large holes in the leaves. Much lesser known than the larger Monstera deliciosa, but also an asset to your urban jungle in a modest format. It is a green climbing plant that grows to only a few meters in height. This refers to the bulk of the members’ characteristic pierced leaves.
Monstera obliqua inhabits an ephemeral, meaning fast-changing habitat, often at sea level, and installs itself among roots on the lower section of larger trees. It reaches maturity even on small trees as it is not a big climber.

Its smallish size has the advantage that it can make use of a substrate that is not available to other plants. Furthermore, it is epiphytic, meaning that it can grow on top of other plants and takes in moisture and nutrients from the air, debris, rain, and also water.
The Difference Between Monstera Obliqua and Monstera Adansonii
You may find a plant labeled as Monstera obliqua in garden centers, but you can be assured that you’re actually looking at an adansonii.

Photos by @plantsbymelissa and @bryony_in_plantland
How to tell the difference: While Monstera adansonii's leaves are quite fenestrated, Monstera obliqua's leaves are extremely fenestrated to the point that there are more holes than leaves. In fact, up to 90% of a mature Monstera obliqua Peru leaf is empty space!
Monstera obliqua Peru and adansonii are remarkably similar for the first few years of growth leading to them often being mistaken for one another. The differences only become apparent as the plants mature and Monstera adansonii develops thick leathery leaves in contrast to the slender, paper-thin leaves of Monstera obliqua.

Photos by @houseofmonstera and @plantsbymelissa
How to Take Care of This Houseplant
The Monstera obliqua prefers bright, natural light. It's best to avoid direct sunlight as this will scorch the delicate, thin leaves. In their native Central and South American habitat, the obliqua is used to humidity levels up to 90% and a dense jungle canopy to shelter them from strong direct sunlight.
This plant loves moisture and, as already mentioned, a bucket load of humidity. A greenhouse or warm conservatory is a good way to replicate its needed environment.

Photo by @leafysoulmates
Alternatively, this plant can also be placed in a warm and bright room with high humidity levels such as a kitchen or a bathroom. You will also need to keep your Monstera away from radiators and drafty doors and windows.
2) Monstera Obliqua cf Pangui
Another obliqua is the cf Pangiu. Pangui is a town in Ecuador. This is a Monstera that is a form of obliqua (cf = 'compare to') that originated in the area of Pangui. It is a very rare houseplant.

Photo by @snipplantnursery
3) Monstera Obliqua Amazonas
The Monstera obliqua Amazonas possesses larger leaves than most of the other obliqua species and the foliage often hangs downwards like those of the Anthurium, but with holes. This variety presents thinner leaves with smaller, more uniform hole patterns compared to its counterparts.

Photo by @2b_rooted
4) Monstera Obliqua Bolivia
The Monstera obliqua Bolivia fenestrates minimally and not often (Peru is the main one with big holes).
Keep in Humid Conditions
To replicate the heavy rainfall and intense heat of the rainforest environment a Monstera obliqua should be watered thoroughly, kept in humid conditions, and then allowed for the soil to become just slightly damp before watering again.

Photo by @filipi_nodes
Your Monstera obliqua may take a few weeks to settle and also needs some time to adapt to a new, slightly larger environment. The stress of being disrupted will subside and your plant should bounce back before too long then new growth should begin again.